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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Clinton Extreme Meltdown From Surprise Question – Screams, Thrown Water, Obscenities

Bill Still received some information overnight that point out the serious character defects or total lack thereof on the part of the Democrat candidate for president. Hillary Clinton exhibited rage towards the moderator at the Commander-in-Chief Forum, Matt Lauer, for doing in one instance what he should have done for the entire thirty minutes, asking her and pressing her on a question that she hadn’t been fed in advance. She was supposed to go out, recite responses that were well rehearsed and wait for Trump to be caught off guard. Instead it was she who got the surprise and that triggered a rage that we’ve rumors of. Now a firsthand accounting of what happened was sent to Bill Still, and he’s sharing it with America.

The source of his information originated at a Comcast email address, the parent company of NBC.  It is supposedly from members of the technical crew that worked the event and describes what happened moments after Clinton walked off the set. They described “a massive profanity-laced tirade” on the part of Clinton that was directed at Matt Lauer in particular, but had moments for others, including DNC Chairperson Donna Brazile.
As he learned, Clinton had been given all of the questions in advance but was tripped up by Lauer asking her something she hadn’t been given, throwing her completely off her game and script. The topic was a tricky one for Clinton, her use of an illegal home server for the storing, receiving and transmitting of government secret documents. One of those working the event for Comcast described her as visibly beginning to boil with the asking of that question.

Inciting Incident in video below.


  1. This needs to be publicized widely. Brazile needs to grow some strength and tell the world how she was treated by this witch

  2. Joe's doing his "job". He also reported this

    Tuesday, October 18, 2016
    What did Hillary Clinton really do when Matt Lauer asked her about Emailgate?

    Friday, September 23, 2016
    Hillary's Glass-Hurling, Cursing Fit of Rage, and Dangling Noose Allusion

    It happened at the Commander in Chief Forum, held I think on Sept 9, 2016.

  3. No surprise that glued on glassy smile doesn't hide the rage behind someone who smiles consistently and wickedly she is revealing her penchant for lying and real hatred.


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