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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Clinton-Bush Game of Thrones

The Bushes and the Clintons, the two “political dynasties” expect that Hillary Clinton will maintain the established status quo, if elected, and do not want Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to occupy the Oval Office, US-based journalist and editor-in-chief of News Junkie Post Gilbert Mercier told Sputnik.

The US’ 2016 presidential election resembles nothing so much as a reality show, Gilbert Mercier, a US-based French journalist, author and editor-in-chief of News Junkie Post, deems.

However, to understand the underlying “forces” that drive today’s election one should look back into the US’ history.

“Just like in the mafia crime families whose influence reached its apex between the 1920s and the late 1950s, to fade away in the late 1970s, the US rival political families are in many ways organized in clans with their own structure of don, capo, consigliere and hatchet men. The Rockefellers and Kennedys operated like this. Since the election of Reagan, the two dominating clans have been the Bushes and the Clintons,” Mercier suggested in his interview with Sputnik.


1 comment:

  1. My question is how many politicians from both parties have non profit foundations that are accepting money from donors from foreign, financial, and corporation interests? Or from political action committees? I believe Clinton isn't alone in this. I know John Kerry is one of them. It's a back door way to accept bribes and for them to use their political office for financial gain. I believe that is why the establishment is afraid of Trump. They want to keep the gravy train with biscuit wheels going for as long as possible. If Clinton is elected, it will be business as usual.


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