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Thursday, October 27, 2016

BREAKING: All Seven Defendants Found Not Guilty In Refuge Occupation Trial

Ammon and Ryan Bundy have been found not guilty of conspiracy. Their five co-defendants Jeff Banta, Shawna Cox, David Fry, Kenneth Medenbach and Neil Wampler have all been found not guilty as well.

Jurors were unable to reach a verdict on Ryan Bundy’s theft of government property charge.

The jury returned its verdict after some six weeks of testimony followed by less than six hours deliberations, and the last minute replacement of a juror after an allegation surfaced that he was biased.

The jury was instructed to disregard their previous work and to re-consider the evidence.



  1. it was NOT government land. the government has confiscated this land from the rightful owners.

  2. the government also killed people over this issue. 2 people? and then tried to cover it up.

  3. So when is the murder trial? Time for this arrogant government to start paying for their crimes. Lets get in the FBI (Comey) and the DOJ (Lynch). On second thought, lets keep their corrupt butts out of this and keep it at the state level.

  4. These are seven lucky people.

  5. Use jury nullification.
    It's perfectly legal and the government doesn't want you to know about it.
    Other than hanging them, its "we, the people's" best option against their arrogance.
    I still prefer the hanging option first, but that's me.
    To each his own.
    My way, just for the record, is more emphatic and permanent.
    keep cheering.


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