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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Articles: Hillary Clinton and the Chain of Command at Waco

Many politicians have a skeleton in their closet. Hillary Clinton has a cemetery, with a sign reading “Waco.”

The 1993 Waco showdown began when federal authorities rushed the communal home of a religious group, killing six of them, and losing four agents in return. The FBI then besieged the place with tanks and other armored vehicles, and ended up with the armored vehicles punching holes in the building, and injecting massive quantities of CS “tear gas.” When that didn’t work, the tanks began to demolish the building, eventually smashing about a quarter of it and damaging the remainder. A fire broke out and 74 people died in the flames, including twenty-one children. It was the deadliest law enforcement operation in American history.

After the tragic debacle, the Clinton administration claimed that Attorney General Janet Reno had been solely responsible for the final assault. There had been no White House input during the siege, and at the end, President Clinton only acquiesced in a decision Reno had made.

Twenty-three years later, there are substantial reasons to doubt the truth of these claims. The evidence is strong that the Clinton White House was calling the shots, and that Hillary played a prominent role.



  1. It makes it easy to believe that Hillary called all the shots, while Bill was the photogenic, smooth talkin' front man.

  2. It never had to happen as David Koresh went into town on a regular basis and could have been easily picked up there.

  3. The cult posed no immediate threat to the public. They kept to themselves and wanted it that way. The gov't cooked up the whole thing.


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