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Sunday, October 16, 2016

'Ain't nobody got time for this' 911 operator arrested for hanging up

After hanging up mid-sentence on a caller, a Houston 911 call center operator was heard on a recording saying, "Ain't nobody got time for this. For real," according to charging documents.

That call center operator identified as Crenshanda Williams was arrested and charged after allegedly hanging up on what could be thousands of emergency callers, according to the documents.
The 43-year-old had been placed under police investigation after her supervisors noticed that she had an abnormally large number of calls that lasted less than 20 seconds.

A review of the Houston Emergency Center database found that "thousands of short calls have been attributed to the defendant" from October 2015 to March 2016.

When interviewed by Houston Police in June, Williams allegedly told officers she often hung up on calls because she did not want to talk to anyone at that time. She was charged with interference with an emergency telephone call, which is a misdemeanor.



  1. If Obama had another daughter...

  2. How the hell does a pos like that even get hired?

  3. I'll bet that she had plenty of time for texting while she was working.

  4. I know as a 911 operator back in the eighties, we could get a lot of calls from the same people who were mental or retarded. Most just wanted to talk or complain about what someone said to them or about them. I would have to finally ask, is this an emergency? If it wasn't I would hang up on them to free up the line. Some were arrested for phone abuse for wasting our time and the police and fire personnel on non emergency or taxi ride calls to the hospital because they had an appointment with a doctor. There is a lot of abuse in the system. You deal with the worst of society, and get cussed out by the public and some of the bad apples in both the police and fire departments. It's a thankless job, but rewarding for those who really need your help in a life threatening situation. I had to make those decisions, and it wasn't always easy. Even then, all calls were recorded and were constantly reviewed if someone complained or a police or fireman question a call. I did this back in 1981 to 84, I left because the pay was only 10K per year, and I found another job paying twice that. A patrolman at that time didn't get paid much better. Many left because of this. It was a good job and great experience!

  5. Thousands of calls. Not 5, not 20, but thousands. Was that because she was black that she was not reprimanded or fired?

    1. Then its about time. Now that's a show of equal opportunity.

  6. If she were in an accident or being robbed and called 911 and the operator hung up on her she would lawyer-up and sue, sue, sue and sue some more.

  7. She may have been the cause of death to someone , having said that , there is no room for this individual in our society. Go to jail with Hillary.

  8. I consider 911 dispatchers to be part of the helping professionals. This one should be drummed out.

  9. I hope that agency didn't have time to cut her a paycheck either! Probably mad with the world because she had to find a job and get off welfare.

  10. The problem with people today is nobody will burn her house down and run her out of town.

  11. Could be happening right here too

    1. Would never know 911 communications supervisor never at work or gone to lunch with his assistant

  12. Fire her than lock her up. Let the people that she hung up on determine how long she stays locked up.

  13. Yes, she's entitled to the same treatment anyone else should get.

  14. She should have been fired and for her lack of responsibility, and careless response to what could have happened maybe resulting in someone's death she should serve at least a year in jail.

  15. Just look at that blank, sullen face. I'll bet most of those hang-ups were on anyone who sounded white.


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