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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Additional Articles We Felt You'd Be Interested In

Why Hillary Clinton Is Not Like Edward Snowden

Subject:Elections official caught on video blasting de Blasio’s ID program

Banished: The Untold Story of Danney Williams’ Search For His Father

2 Simple Charts Show Which State Pensions Are Most Likely To Enforce Benefit Cuts

Subject:‘Entire investigation’ into Hillary’s private server in doubt

Clinton camp appeared to have contacts with DOJ on email case

Clinton campaign used Benghazi as distraction from email scandal

Clinton Campaign Confiscates Cell Phones From Donors

Charleston, West Virginia the Latest Small City Secretly Targeted to Receive Refugees

Here Are 37 Companies That Directly Fund Planned Parenthood

Trump digs at Hillary as he recites Wikileaks bombshells and pledges to 'investigate'

Ed Klein: Three things drastic things Obama had to do before he could endorse Hillary

San Antonio police officers face discipline for wearing 'Make America Great Again' caps 

Kathleen Willey to Women: Would You Stay With A Rapist?

Subject:US Equity Markets Break Key Technical Support

Mike Pence Compares Hillary Clinton to Nixon: ‘Looks Like Obstruction’

Report: Hacker Claims 'Racist Hillary' Tape Set to be Released

Subject:Man who claims to be Bill Clinton's secret son shows off his potential grandkids

Hillary Clinton admits she didn't have permission to set up secret email

'Moment of Reckoning' - Donald Trump: 'Our Independence Day Is at Hand, It Arrives Finally on Nov. 8th' 

Mexican Illegal Alien Deported Ten Times Since 2010 Charged With Child Rape

Trump Calls For Drug Tests Before Third Debate

Bill’s Ex Explains Why Hillary Attracts Flies

Subject:Donald Trump Dismantles Faulty Teleprompters at North Carolina Rally

Trump Sexual Assault Accuser Sent Glowing Email

Wikileaks Reveals Long List of Media Canoodling with Hillary Clinton

The ‘P’ word which will cause death of our nation

Disturbing Eminent Domain Case in CT is Further Proof Government Does Not Care About People

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton's Souped Up Van Has a Bed

Assange's Internet Cut Triggering Dead Man Switch

1,000 more people shot in Chicago compared with same time last year

1 comment:

  1. Hillary has a bed in her converted van. She's only in it while traveling to and from the airport or another nearby place.

    That should tell you something.


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