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Thursday, October 20, 2016

16 Organic Antibiotics And Antibacterials That Should Be In Every Home!

It’s always a good idea to have organic antibiotics on hand, especially if the sh*t hits the fan and supplies are hard to find. The following video recommends 5 different antibiotics and backs them up with medical proof along with what they’re good for.

The following is an excerpt from the video’s website:

1. Oil of Oregano Pills – In my opinion, this is one of the top herbal antibiotic choices. It is very potent- it take 1000 pounds of oregano to make just 1 pound of oil of oregano.
Research says: Georgetown University Medical Center tested oil of oregano in vitro on staphylococcus bacteria. They found that even small amounts were as effective as the standard antibiotic. Also, the journal of medicine reported a study where oil of oregano showed significant antibacterial properties against 5 species of harmful bacteria, especially e-coli.
Oil of oregano has two active compounds- caravacrol and thymol. Dr. Axe says on his website that carvacrol treats or reduces bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasites, viruses, inflammation, candida, and tumors.



  1. We are going to need em in a few years because of.Obama care. We won't be able to afford a doctor or medicine. You will see people starting to die because of things that were trivial.

  2. They forgot to mention snake oil


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