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Thursday, October 27, 2016

1 in 4 U.S. teachers are chronically absent, missing more than 10 days of school

More than 1 in 4 of the nation’s full-time teachers are considered chronically absent from school, according to federal data, missing the equivalent of more than two weeks of classes each academic year in what some districts say has become an educational crisis.

The U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights estimated this summer that 27 percent of the nation’s teachers are out of school for more than 10 days of regular classes — some missing far more than 10 days — based on self-reported numbers from the nation’s school districts. But some school systems, especially those in poor, rural areas and in some major cities, saw chronic absenteeism among teachers rise above 75 percent in 2014, the last year for which data is available.

In the Alamance-Burlington School System, located between Greensboro and Chapel Hill, N.C., 80 percent of its 1,500 teachers missed more than 10 days of school in the 2013-2014 school year. Cleveland reported that about 84 percent of its 2,700 teachers had excessive absences. Nevada’s Clark County School District, which includes Las Vegas, reported that more than half of its 17,000 teachers were chronically absent — missing a total of at least 85,000 work days, or the equivalent number of hours that nearly 500 teachers would work during an entire 180-day school year.



  1. You would not believe the amount of teachers that leave any time during the day. Some have two periods of planning you can see them leaving during that time.They only have to swipe in the morning and the reason they dont swipe out at the end of the school day it suppose to be because they are salary and they stay after school. its very few teachers that stay just check out the parking lots at 3:00. I know there are some that stay and are excited to teach some not many. The education system is a mess.

  2. Well some of the kids they teach are rude, vulgar filthy little jerks who of you try and reprimand them they act out and threaten the teachers with violence. I'm not siding with the teachers but it's not 100% their faults when they don't want to be in a class that long with @$$ O's ... this new generation is in trouble and they are influenced by class acts like Kanye west and _____________( insert name from MTV or comedy Central here) TV and movie stars have huge influences on today's youth. The days of kids helping and respecting their elders are long gone. I recently watched three young girls riding in an electric scooter hit an elderly woman in her scooter. I yelled at the kids and the mother telling the mother to get a leash for these animals she was responsible for. The lady who they hit was really shaken up by it all. I just don't like the newer generation of kids we have produced.

  3. Teachers are also exposed to every sneeze, germ, cold, sniffle, and sickness from 100s of kids each day. Sometimes they just get sick!

  4. Don't blame it all on Baltimore. We are raising our own thugs here in the "bury"

  5. And this might be why we have substitute teachers.


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