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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Who's Buying It?


  1. The change was remarkable, if it really is her. If she loses the election she should market whatever it was her private physician gave her.
    I suspect, though, that what they did was give her a couple of liters of IV fluids, a dose of levodopa, some amphetamine-like substance and a pat on the rear out the door to greet her public, telling her that in a few hours she'd crash and have to stay in bed for days to recover.

  2. Look at the difference in the pictures - no one recovers that remarkably.

  3. Her wrinkles are gone in 5 hours????

  4. And now she's canceled her appearances this week.
    I'm not convinced that the person who came out of the building was the same one that almost hit the pavement hours before.

  5. They use body doubles for Tyrants in far away lands because the population hates the person so much there is a high risk for the Tyrant. However, now that we are seeing the use of body doubles in an American election, I am amazed! This country is sliding into oblivion. I don't even recognize this Country any longer.

  6. She looks better because she finally took a bath and washed their hair


  7. Cheek structure, teeth, chin seem different.

  8. Hair is younger in photo #2. Ear shape slightly different, so are the glasses tint and shape @ top outside corners. These are two different people. One might be amicable, but is still a liar!

  9. She is probably near dead or dead and we just don't know it.

  10. Face skin is wrong and look carefully is not her is a look alike.

  11. One of them had

  12. Look up the blue glasses they are for seizures, and her holding her hand to her chest is to hide the fact she has tremors.

  13. The teeth are completely different!!!

  14. It is her double. Found on Rense and Drudge report:


  15. Everyone saying she is dead, I am so happy, and yet a little skeptical too.

    God I hope this is so true. I want to sing and dance like in the movie, "The Wizard of Oz", I want to sing "The Wicked Witch is Dead"!!!!!!

  16. It's been proven she has a double. period...

  17. WABC TV New York Hillary Clintons DEATH

    One way or another the truth will get out!

  18. Zeiss Z1 blue lenses

  19. It's walking pneumonia. The symptoms can be quickly recovered from with rest...I don't like her one bit but you people need some glasses

    1. not going to use your's you seem a little blind

    2. One does not recover from being nearly unconscious to ready for the game and looking fifteen years younger in the space of two hours. This is unreal.

  20. This is absolutely two different people! The nose, cheeks, teeth. Ears. Hair is 20 years younger. Wrinkles gone in 5 hours?

    Sorry, I'm 62 and see right through this. I guess it's her version of "transparency"?

  21. 9:32 PM - apparently in only 30 minutes of rest.

  22. The fact that it is a double and you people are to stupid to see it even when the evidence is in your face slapping you...

  23. Where was the team of agents that circle her everywhere she goes. Something strange in this neighborhood!

  24. Definitely thought right away after seeing photos of her before and after, "That doesn't look like the same person." It was definitely a show and I really believe it was a double.

  25. It's not Teresa Barnwell, either. It's an unknown who has gone the distance to have plastic surgery, etc., and one-on-one training to move and look like Hillary. With the virtually unlimited resources of the Clinton Foundation's dollars, the sky is the limit.

    In my opinion, Barnwell only sort of looks like Clinton, but not nearly as closely as this person.

    For those of us who score really well on facial recognition testing, this is an easy one.

  26. She has no body doubles,she looks different because she is a Reptilian like other world leaders are.


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