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Friday, September 02, 2016

‘White Lives Matter’ added to list of hate groups

AUSTIN (KXAN) — The Southern Poverty Law Center, the watchdog group known for tracking hate groups, is adding “White Lives Matter” to the list.

The group says the phrase is frequently used by white supremacist as a counter-slogan to “Black Live Matter”.

SPLC reps contend the movement has now been organized into a separate white nationalist group, headquartered in Tennessee.

Black Lives Matter is not on the list, because the SPLC says the leaders and founders of that movement have done “nothing at all to suggest that the bulk of the demonstrators hold supremacist or black separatist views.”



  1. Some "watchdog" group....they are on crack....just like the baby thugs they are afraid of....not a "watchdog" that I want looking after my interest!!!!

  2. REALLY...BLM doesn't do anything at all to suggest that the bulk of the demonstrators hold supremacist or black separatist views! Who are they kidding? What a complete joke!

  3. They're a front group for the progressive left.. one they cite to try to make their views look valid.

  4. Dave T: Typical. Ok for blacks but never ok for whites. Who are the real racists here? It will be a cold day in hell before I ever offer any form of support for BLM and all the thugs who support it.

  5. The Southern Poverty Law Center needs to put their own organization on the list then. They must be a group of idiots.

  6. The white race had better wake up.

  7. White Lives Matter
    oops must be a hate group on here lol
    Sorry but you do have to laugh at the idiots

  8. They also added Confederate reenactor groups to the list of "Hate Groups".

  9. Anyone that could be tied to conservative patriotic groups are hate groups to liberals.

  10. REALLY???? Black Lives Matter is not a hate group?????? Did someone tell them?????


  11. SPLC is a hate group also, as is BLM.

    SPLC has an artful name but is a front for progressive, socialist tactics and philosophy. Their 'labeling' is strictly by their own standards and carries no weight in the 'real world'.


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