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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Welcome To The Shore


  1. Corporation beer with cheap ingredients! I'll go with Dogfishhead, or EVO, or any other microbrew anyday! Budweiser is now owned by a Belgium company. It's no longer a American beer.

    1. Do you also need some fruit to put in that hipster brew

  2. There is no comparison between craft beer and mass produced brands.Bud light is a good "soft drink ",treat it as such and don't be a beer snob.

  3. You cant drink 12-18 craft beers while out fishing or shooting without being bloated and broke. Miller Lite, Coors Light or Bud Light are perfect for said activities. Craft beers are good in small doses and with food.

    1. You drink 18 beers while shooting. Yikes!

  4. Craft beer is highly over rated. Very expensive!

  5. Empty cans make good targets. Not everyone needs to go to a range to shoot.

  6. Budweiser is bought by a non-US company. They then slap American flags on the cans and bottles because they know we'll buy it.

    As far as the craft beer argument, if the point of drinking all those beers is to get a buzz, you'll get a buzz much sooner with a high abv beer than 13 bud lights. Maybe you just really love the feeling of putting something up to your mouth?

  7. Craft beer is for the preppies of society....Budweiser and Miller are for real beer drinkers not just the folks who bring that shit to a crab feast knowing nobody else will drink it and take it back home with them after the feast!!! YOU CAN HAVE ALL the "craft" (fruity) brews.....

  8. I miss Strohs, "fire brewed"

  9. I liked Drummond Brothers had a confederate flag and American Flag on can they even had the shot gun top way before Coors did. It was great beer I wonder what happened to it. Could buy it in the Highs Market 159 a six pack. That was back in the good ole days. Women did not stand up to piss and men did not sit down. All of America still believed in the flag no matter what color you were. Prayed in school. I loved Mike Singletary, Tony Dorsett. Funny race relations in 1982 were better than they are now. Only one party to blame and it sure is not the Republicans. Yup Micro brew is for sissies and America ain't no place for sissies. Enjoy a cold one then burn your Colin Klunkerdick Jersey.

  10. Craft brews usually give me a headache after 2 or 3. If I'm out with friends or partying I like the "cheap" beers. Prefer Rolling Rock but hardly anyone carries it anymore except liquor/beer stores.


  11. Stroh's was a good beer with a different taste.

    Rolling Rock when made in Latrobe, PA was a good beer; pony bottles a worthwhile feature. After Anheuser-Busch bought it production stopped in Latrobe and has been shifted to a variety of A-B plants. Stopped buying it.

    Yuengling is now my choice if I have a beer.

  12. I used to drink Rolling Rock til someone from PA let us know that it was downstream from the sewer plant. That was it for us!


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