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Sunday, September 25, 2016

WATCH: Bomb Suspect Ahmad Rahami Arrested


  1. Should have put a bullet in him and delivered him to the White House like a Christmas Turkey. Now we will have to feed and house this piece of crap.

  2. That is real smart. Kill him before you have a chance to interrogate him. Another armchair expert!

  3. He will never reveal his CIA sources.
    These guys are well trained to accept torture.

  4. Yes, I am sure he will tell us everything after we read him his rights, feed him and show him his new hotel. Why don't you read up on the Boston Bombers and their family and his American wife that all watched them build the bombs at the kitchen table and now live off our American welfare system and Obamacare and find out just how much info they got from the living brother who is in one of our hotels currently appealing his death penalty sentence. It will be years before he gets whats do him (if ever) all why millions of federal dollars (that's taxpayer money, well if you pay any taxes to begin with it is) are spent. Yes a fatal bullet would have been a better option.

  5. My condolences to the MSM. I know you had your fingers crossed for a ALT right wing white gun slinging republican. But once again your wishes did not come true.

  6. I wonder if anyone has been able to locate the video that motivated him to commit this act of terror yet? That way we can imprison and destroy another innocent film maker.

  7. Notice how the MSM ignored pretty much the muslim slasher at the mall in St Cloud MN who injured nearly 10 people before being shot dead by an off duty police officer? Now why hadn't anyone like obama or clinton been on TV praising this officer?

  8. Should have cut his head off and poured pig blood on his body and buried him face down...Our Muslim problem would be gone over night.

  9. it wasn't a bomb and the islamic faith is peaceful.

    1. If is wasn't a bomb what the hell was it ? The facts are that islam has a hard line faction that that would destroy all in its way to promote their beliefs, sorry the world doesn't work that way., find the radicals destroy the radicals and move on.

  10. I would like to know how long he has been here , was he allowed to move here during the Afghan war, is he a infultator ? We should stop the bleeding hearts and there agenda so lives will be saved, if he went to Afghanistan and is radicalized, investigate all travel to the area !

  11. Just to be clear here:

    This guy is guilty, right?

    Nobody is considered innocent until proven guilty any longer.
    This is the new America.


    The media / government never lie to us either, right?

  12. 5:21 slide back under that liberal pile of dung you live under. That is why he shot it out with paid gun fighters. He should be hung in Time Square immediately. He should hand until he is a bone pile then buried wrapped in pig hide. I would pull the lever in a New York second.

  13. 5:21 has a point.
    We all have bomb making material in our homes
    How did they decide it was him?
    Because him and several 100 others just happen to be in the area?
    And if they were able to find him in a matter of hours, how were they not able to stop him before it happened?
    Where is the actual proof?

  14. 8:14 Wait until it happens to you or one of yours. Y'all want your 2A rights but don't give a crap about the other ones?

  15. And he's been living & working here for about 20 years. See what we're up against, now? C'mon people! WAKE UP!


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