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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

WaPo, NYT Lead Trend Of Emphasizing Race Of White Officer, Burying Race Of Black Officer

Thirty-six percent of the articles did not mention the officer’s race, but emphasized that the victim was a black man shot by a police officer

The New York Times and The Washington Post bury police officers’ race when they are black, but rush to highlight race when the officer happens to be white, an analysis of two similar cases by The Daily Caller News Foundation shows.

White Tulsa officer Betty Shelby, a five-year veteran on the force, shot Terence Crutcher, who is black, when police came across his car stopped in the middle of the road. Dash cam video appears to show that police tased and shot Crutcher as he walked back to his car with his hands up.

Black Charlotte officer Brentley Vinson shot Keith Lamont Scott, who was also black and who allegedly carried a gun. According to police, Scott ignore multiple warnings to drop his handgun.

In a random sampling of 11 articles from The New York Times on the Tulsa shooting, TheDCNF found that 63 percent of articles mentioned Shelby’s white race and Crutcher’s black race in the same sentence. Thirty-six percent of the articles did not mention the officer’s race, but emphasized that the victim was a black man shot by a police officer.

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1 comment:

  1. And the Post wants us to cut it a break. Get real, you elitist dinosaur. If you don't want us wearing your bones, you'd best get your act together.


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