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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Video Shows Hillary Going Limp, Being Carried Into Van


  1. If a person is in excellent health, as Clinton Camp claims, and for no apparent reason appears to faint, falling face forward, and has to be picked up or supported into a vehicle, the logical next step be to rush to the ER or call for medical assistance. Why then did they take her to her Daughters apartment? (She was later seen leaving her daughters apartment exclaiming she felt great) Obviously, they know she has health issues and how to treat it when it rears it's ugly head.

  2. As a person in public service especially the president's position full medical disclosure should be mandatory without question or exception.

  3. Is she going to make it to November without having a major "event" in public?
    I mean, one that can't be covered up by secret service agents forming a human blockade against filming?
    And they are obviously trained and prepared to react to her health problem. And THIS could be our next president?? Sorry -- this WILL be the next president.
    Keep cheering.

  4. Sorry but Trump's going to be our next president. Only corrupt criminals vote for the same. Keep cheering yourself but all the cheering doesn't change her sinking polls and no one showing up to her rallies.

  5. Thinking Clinton will be the next president is just ridiculously foolish thinking. Whose more in denial MSM or people believing them who are in the minority at this point.

  6. As soon as she is moved from being propped up by the pole she turns into a rag doll, falls and even loses her shoe. Divine intervention. God doesn't like her or those who support her. He's had enough of democrats who are very bad people and their evil immorals ways and has sent in Mr Trump. I have a feeling her next episode isn't going to be so easy to cover up. God doesn't like her ugly and the bad people who are supporting her.

  7. Evidently she lost her bowels while being shoved into the van. This would explain why she would want to go to her daughters to clean up and not the hospital. The less people who know about that the better for her.

  8. 1:29, 1:32--
    I believe he's referring to fears of the election being rigged, not her actually winning in a fair election.

  9. She's dying before our eyes.

  10. It's not so much that she has health problems; I don't wish bad health on anybody, but the fact that she lies about it (and everything else) is the real problem.

  11. There are days when she looks like she hasn't even washed her hair. She looks tired most of the time. Trump on the other hand always seem energized and ready to go. She clearly doesn't have the stamina needed to campaign. Look at how all the Presidents age in office. How will she withstand the stresses of that job? It is just too much for her physically, let alone having to deal with her awful policies.

    Trump commented she lacked the toughness for the office and everyone thought he was being sexist. Actually, he was correct and saw this before the rest of us did. Trump is a lot more on point than the media and the liberals give him credit for.

    BTW, I RENOUNCE being labeled one of the deplorables because I support Trump. That was a comment unbecoming the office which she covets so much. The Clinton campaign should never speak about Trump's use of words again after that debacle by her!

  12. 2:16 I wear my deplorable label proudly and I think someone who marketed this would make millions

  13. 1:57, all one can do is hope.

  14. Replies
    1. Then she must wear really dirty wigs

  15. God has no mercy for pathological liars and their supporters. That why predominately black neighborhoods are now war zones and getting worse since BLM came along. Blacks killing each other like has never been seen before-each killing sent and sanctioned by God. God punishes the wicked and those who follow them. God is showing these deplorable people that He is in charge and they will continue to be cursed until they stop following the doctrine of satan.

  16. "Anonymous said...

    She's dying before our eyes.

    September 11, 2016 at 1:57 PM"

    I hope

  17. BS-if she felt overheated like they are claiming she would have immediately removed her blazer. It was some type of seizure that she felt coming on and needed out of there quickly.

  18. Help! I've fallen (in the polls) and can't get up!

  19. 15 years later and a Sept. 11th collapse at the world trade centers is going to SAVE AMERICA. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

  20. Parkinson's disease most likely--she is shaking and wobbly.... the cover-up is absolutely diabolical

  21. all the ghosts of the people she had killed are weighing down on her. maybe she is finally developing a conscience?

  22. Ive been on the fence in regards to her health until this video. She isn't fit for duty CNN and her supports keep making excuses on her incidents of coughing, freezing up, seizures. This video says it all.

  23. Benghazi victims died 4 years ago today - overcome by guilty conscience.

  24. Starting to remind me of weekend at Bernie's

  25. This looks like much more than being overcome by heat. She appears to be propped against that big poll and when they try to get her to move she can't and wobbles, ultimately going down. If she was overcome by heat, why wasn't she given water or moved to a bench to sit and recover? Why did she need to be removed from the area? Seems like it is something more serious.

  26. Yeah she's over heated but leaves on her dark colored blazer. Who would do that if they are getting hot?

  27. Don't you find it odd that she always has on long sleeves and heavy looking long jackets? She stays very covered up even in excessive heat. Why is that? There are many lighter weight long-sleeved blouses or light weight jackets that she could wear. Maybe she is causing her own problems by her choice of clothing in 90+ degree heat. Talk about bad judgment - LOL!

  28. All I can say is - DEPLORABLE!

  29. The real fact is that, if she dies before the election, she will be replaced by a Obama nominee. It after, we will be stuck with Kaine. Either way, there are a LOT of unknowns ahead.

  30. 4:55 It was 81 degrees and 33% humidity in NYC this morning around 10:00am. I did a screen capture of weather underground just in case they make the internet change all the data. That's darn near close to perfect weather.

  31. Just another lie coming from Clinton and her camp about her becoming "over-heated". If this really was the truth, why is it that no one else became over-heated in 78-80 degree temperatures with a breeze going throughout the ceremony? We didn't see any footage of others, nor did we see any rescue vehicles or personnel attempting to help others during the ENTIRE ceremony. The only person was Hillary.

    I believe there is enough evidence of her failing health to prove she is unfit to run for president period. Her continued lying about her health is not helping her. The more excuses they keep coming up with, the more people simply don't believe her or her front people or her so-called doctors.

    Perhaps this is another scheme of Hillary cooked up between her and obama so that he will stay in power. I wouldn't put it past either one of them to do something so despicable.

    I also believe the guy that seems to always hold the puppet up, must be her private body guard responsible for keeping her up if she falls. Watch for her to take some more time off soon.

    It is so very sad that this day as we remember fallen family, friends, fire-fighters, and police and all the brave hero's of that day, it was marred by the drama that always surrounds Hillary Clinton.

    I would not be as afraid of having Donald Trump as president as I would be having Hillary Clinton lying, cheating, and stealing to/from the American people on an hourly basis.

    Hillary calls people deplorable for supporting Trump. No Hillary, the only one who is deplorable is you for selling your country's secrets, lying to the public on a CONSTANT BASIS, deleting e-mails that Congress told you they wanted, and lying to the families of the four brave Americans that you murdered in Benghazi THAT'S DEPLORABLE.

    Hell will welcome you.

  32. Now they're claiming she has pneumonia! Too funny. Right. Sounds to me she's setting up a cancelation for the first debate. Her forum appearances failed miserably and we were treated to a new batch of BS lies about her mishandling of classified emails, which made Trump the indisputable winner of the night. Agree with 534 Hell will welcome her no doubt.

  33. Don't forget wikileaks is promising two releases prior to the first debate. She might be ducking out because they'll prove even more damning than people originally anticipate.

  34. The wicked witch has pneumonia.

  35. Clearly, Hillary is seriously ill, no doubt about it. The question is, what are the liberal elitists really up to? We can see that all her aids and all those accompanying her know exactly what's going on with her because they don't show any surprise at her ongoing episodes. Instead of rushing her to the ER they drive her to her daughter's apartment to administer her medicine. Could this be the plan for evil Obama to stay in power to finish off his path of destruction? They all have to know this woman could not possibly take on the overwhelming stress and responsibility of the highest power in the USA. Feels like we're in a scary movie.

    I pray Donald Trump is protected by the Hand of God and wins this election hands down. The survival of our country depends on him getting control away from the satan's servants (if it's not already too late).

  36. Good Lord, who is going to take her place if the Wicked Witch melts?

    She seriously has something going on with the damn annoying cough and her weakness where she can barely walk up steps.

    WTH are they hiding?

    Ole Tim Kaine is biting at the bit waiting to move up to POTUS. What a snake he is.

  37. Soooooo - another COVER UP by the Clintons. She has had pneumonia diagnosis since Friday? Can her doctor be believed now? Did she have chest x-rays and blood work done? How convenient that she has "pneumonia" that no one was told about until they needed to explain her "overheating".

    Even the Clinton supporters must be getting sick of the lies and cover-ups. She is not worthy of the office she seeks.

    Vote Trump!

  38. Joe Biden waiting in the wings......

  39. I just hope that Trump handles this with class and doesn't say something stupid. This is a moment that could turn the tide for him, but he usually ends up putting his foot in his mouth.

    I'm a Trump supporter, but please let's have some statemanshp and presidential reaction. He could win the moment with independents being magnanimous.

  40. There needs to be a totally independent look at the health of both candidates by a doctor panel. Doctors lie just like lawyers. We wouldn't have the problems with Social Security disability fraud and Medicare and Medicaid fraud if doctors weren't lying.

    Both candidates are too old to be President. I'm older than both and am aware that health or mental problems are a function of age. Churchill and Wilson both had strokes after they won their races. Johnson died a heart attack days after he would have completed his term. If he was President, he wouldn't have lived that long, as his doctors told him.

  41. I have MS and this looks
    Like a MS episode.. You cant get your body to respond to what ypu want it to do.. She obliviously could not take a step.. Its the jerkiness in the step that tells me its neurological .. When these ocvue they can last an few hpurs to 10 minutes. Thats why she looked fine later after being in her daughters apartment. The epiosde had ended and when this happens you are back to normal..cpuld explain the eye problems and
    Coughing as wel.. Both side effects of the disease

  42. 6:30, you clearly have not heard any of Donald Trump's speeches. Please youtube just one before commenting.

  43. Let me guess, she is fine feeling great better then ever. Just like Benghazi was because of video, never sent or received classified emails, only has one phone, one computer, turned over all emails, foundation is for charity, I don't recall x20. Blah blah blah. Vote trump 2016

  44. Confirms Trump has been right again.

  45. Limp would be a good description of her career successes so far.

  46. Limp would be a good description of her career successes so far.

  47. They took her back to Stepford for a tuneup.

  48. They took her back to Stepford for a tuneup.

  49. That is fantastic!! For the good of this nation I hope she really does have some sort of serious illness. The woman is the personification of pure evil.

  50. Johnson lived another 4 years after his presidency.

  51. 621 my family are independents as we have always supported trump.

  52. The evil she has taken against others has come back to catch her....George Sorros funds her and is her Puppeteer....Hells Bells are ringing for her.....the devil is waiting with Allah in Hell for her...

  53. She has pneumonia you idiots

  54. 6:44, You're stupid enough to believe that, aren't you. Hillary is done. I'll bet her illness will last another two months, (if not a lot longer) just wait and see. She has far more serious health issues.

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She has pneumonia you idiots

    September 12, 2016 at 6:44 AM

    Look you MORON! That cough has been going on much longer than a pneumonia cough. She has been cackling for a long time. She is feeble and on her death bed.

    You keep believing what the Main Stream Media tells you Dirt Ball.

  56. lmclain said...
    Is she going to make it to November without having a major "event" in public?
    I mean, one that can't be covered up by secret service agents forming a human blockade against filming?
    And they are obviously trained and prepared to react to her health problem. And THIS could be our next president?? Sorry -- this WILL be the next president.
    Keep cheering.

    September 11, 2016 at 1:24 PM

    That is exactly what I saw and what they were doing a human blockade so we couldn't see what was happening.

  57. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Evidently she lost her bowels while being shoved into the van. This would explain why she would want to go to her daughters to clean up and not the hospital. The less people who know about that the better for her.

    September 11, 2016 at 1:47 PM

    Well there is that pic in that tan skirt where it looks like she pooped on herself as she is getting onto an airplane.

  58. I know she is an ugly witch now, but some of her pics and videos when she was younger look quite attractive.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Starting to remind me of weekend at Bernie's

    September 11, 2016 at 4:49 PM

    I was trying to figure out how to play that video "Prop Me Up Beside the Juke Box" by Joe Diffie.

  60. I wonder if she's always wearing a bulletproof vest under all those long sleeved wool jackets when she's out in public.

  61. Pooping in your pantsuit is a hell of a way to run a campaign !


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