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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Very Interesting


  1. But they were told by the media that the jet fuel melted the steel... Are you saying they are wrong??? They can't be, becasue the media doesn't lie!!!! NOT

    Shows you how stupid you Americans really are... Not to use common sense and reality... To think Jet fuel melted steel, where there was no jet fuel left after the BIG FIRE BALL OF JET FUEL BEING BURNT UP in the initial hit of the building... What to knwo what is hot enough to melt steel? C4 plastic explosive.... IN this case, and angle charge...

  2. If you watch the video it clearly shows a building IMPLODING!!! This can only be done with controlled properly placed ordinance

  3. Obviously evidence of a controlled demolition.
    Possibly using mini nukes. Or Pulse Weapons.

  4. My son is in college at the university of Maryland studying Architecture and Construction engineering. It is a fact that jet would never get hot enough for steel or steel beams to melt. The way the buildings went down was a controlled demolition. A lot of things just don't add up even by the experts in the field. Also the fact that investigators were not allow at the site and the steel was immediately recycled and disposed of before an investigation!!!!

  5. Joe doesn't usually post links when I comment. So I will tell you to search youtube for Dr. Judy Woods, Where did the Towers Go?

    She not only makes the case for controlled demolition. But, rather than mini nukes, she suggests a new technology based on plasma. The biggest question she had was, not if it were a controlled demolition? That was obvious, it was. But, Where did the towers go?

    As in where did the rubble go? When the towers collapsed, if the demolition had been done by conventional methods, there would have been tremendous amounts of rubble from literally miles of steel and concrete in building.

    Instead of a massive mound of rubble, there was just a little pile that fell in its own footprint. And the only noticeable damage to the neighboring buildings was a small hole in a window across the street. This, was the source of all that dust... Watch the video, it is very interesting.

  6. 10:50 I would normally tell you to piss up a flag pole but sadly you are correct. It disgusts me that this is still the believed narrative.

    I guess some of that jet fuel splashed onto tower 7. Cause it came down the same way.

    So angry that so many people are so incredibly out of touch.

  7. A 45degree failure is a shear failure. it could have easily been caused by the collapsing structure above. get a life folks

    1. Please get of your "secure feelings" bubble and do some independent research before October 1 when the UN takes over the Internet.

    2. Did that shear also produce the melted metal stuck to the beam because that looks more like thermite damage.

  8. Were you people at 9 a.m. on 9/11/01, looking at the images with your noses in the air, saying " who cares, the government did it, let me go online and make videos about how its fake"(but you couldnt then because Youtube didnt exist then) ? I will only believe this if you take a similar building that was built similarly to either tower using the same type of steel. Then take the same size plane and crash it into the tower at the same angle. Its amazing how in todays world people wont believe anything unless we see a video, but someone who probably wasnt even born yet uploads an edited video to Youtube and you believe it.

  9. a 45 degree cut angle will also control the direction of the collapse. Get an intellect...

  10. 11:48 Bingo!! The steel didn't have to melt, it only has to get hot enough to stress the material.

    1. Look at the obvious melted metal that spilled down from the cut. That is not from stress.

  11. Yes, actually. When the towers collapsed, I did see and recognize a controlled demolition. And it pissed me off to no end. And I'm still pissed off at the cover up that is still being perpetrated. All this, so all the illiterate morons in this country can continue their stupified existence while their government rapes, pillages and steals from them with impunity.

    But then, I still retain critical thinking skills, the ability to research and discern truth using my skills and logic.

    Perhaps some day soon, the people will come to recognize the left / right paradigm is an artificial construct, specifically designed by the powers that be to keep us squabbling amongst ourselves while they rape and pillage with impunity.

    If you doubt this, all you have to do is take an honest look at the last five or six presidents and their actions. Each one, regardless of their "side of the aisle" has brought us inexorably closer to a totalitarian government. Obama, the purported "constitutional scholar" gave me some hope for about fifteen minutes. Until he filled his cabinet with bankers. And then, instead of repealing the totalitarian map, the unconstitutional "Patriot Act," he proceeded to extend and enhance it.

    Until the people recognize this trend en masse and move to stop it, totalitarianism is where we are headed.

    Unfortunately, I doubt America can be pulled away from its tailgating, ballgames and reality shows long enough to figure out they are chattel. Quite frankly, it saddens me to no end, to be awake in a sleeping world.

  12. Seeing the comments related to a simple picture.....no claim it was a trade center pic....could be a completely edited pic.....and you folks wonder why the shore can't get any decent companies to come take a look?..all they have to do is look at this blog on a daily basis.....lol

  13. Okay, for the sake of discussion, let's accept the premise that the US government blew up, melted, laser-beamed, etc. the buildings; coordinated a three-prong attack on the nation (NYC, the pentagon and the air plane crash in Pennsylvania), which resulted in the death of over 3,000 American citizens.

    Let's start with this basic question......Why?

    1. to go to war with Iraq and to initiate the Patriot Act

    2. Ok, that would be the Bush administration. So, why still voting for his party?

  14. Why? Answer: Two Reasons

    1. It was the History's Largest Gold Robbery. Gold that was stored in the vaults of Building 7 was due to be paid to the Chinese on 9/12. Now it is "buried." right... It also answers the enigmatic question of why Bldg 7 came down.

    2. It was the genesis for the illegal and unconstitutional DHS, the Patriot Act and three Perpetual wars abroad while they tightened the noose and controls stateside. If you think there aren't people behind the scenes willing to kill a few thousand people to further their goals, you are mistaken. Point in case, research the "Georgia Guidestones." Etched in a stone monument on a Georgia hill top, are the goals of some very rich and powerful people. Among the goals, to reduce the population of the world by 75%. How do you think that would be accomplished? By asking all the nice people not to pro-create, anymore? Not bloody likely.

  15. Anonymous said...
    A 45degree failure is a shear failure. it could have easily been caused by the collapsing structure above. get a life folks

    September 15, 2016 at 11:48 AM


  16. All I know is that the insurance companies have a lower rate on buildings using laminated wood beams. The reason is that they will char while with an intense fire steel beams will bend and buckle under intense heat. Once this starts there is no doubt that the integrity of the structure is doomed and one weak point contributes to others losing strength thus starting to collapse. All of these conspiracy theories sound like the liberal press.

  17. Wonder if it could melt some of your tinfoil hats

  18. Nothing but lies on the tower 7 collapse,no way office furniture on fire brought it down.

  19. I don't care about this , it was an act of muslim terrorist period. Down with Islam and all muslims.

  20. Det cord which explodes at 50 thousand feet a second has been around for many years. It is about the size of standard clothes line and was used to cut trees in half , maybe it can also cut steel . I know it was used against tanks moving on a road and could cut some steel barrels , don't know about beams.

  21. To me, it sure looks like molten steel running down the side of that beam.

  22. Anything could have melted on that beam. Its not melted steel.

  23. All I know is that the insurance companies have a lower rate on buildings using laminated wood beams. The reason is that they will char while with an intense fire steel beams will bend and buckle under intense heat. Once this starts there is no doubt that the integrity of the structure is doomed and one weak point contributes to others losing strength thus starting to collapse. All of these conspiracy theories sound like the liberal press.

    Thank you, I have wood beams in my garage for the same reason. Holds up better than steel in case of fire.

    Just stop people - you all sound foolish.

    Besides - If there really was a conspiracy Snowden or Assange would have the scoop for us!

  24. I can't believe some of the comments. Most likely nothing melted, however, high heat over a period of time weakens the steel connections of girders to columns, light-weight steel joist are not designed for long periods of intense heat. The impact and explosion destroyed the fire protected materials on structural members therefore weakening the members and with the intense weight, the collapse begin.....

  25. I can't believe you people think your government wouldn't sell you out!!! They've been doing it for decades in every war ever initiated by them, now they've gotten so bold they don't even try to hide it and you still don't want to believe it validity. Can't wait to hear the responses when your so called Syrian refugee buddies bite you in the ass

  26. It's absolutely amazing to me how utterly stupid some of you are!
    Do any of you have any idea how much extra heat is generated when you add
    pressure to a burning flame ?? as in a cutting torch or the bellows of a blacksmith ... paste this in your browser http://www.mediaite.com/online/angry-metal-worker-makes-video-debunking-jet-fuel-cant-melt-steel-beams-911-meme/

    Let alone the sheer manpower and time involved to place charges or "mini nukes" throughout the buildings WITHOUT DETECTION !!!


  27. 149
    head of security company: Marvin Bush

  28. Looks like an inside job. Americans were involved. President Bush wanted an excuse to go to war and find those weapons. Don't think the CIA was involved. No, of course not.


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