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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

US Navy sailor gives birth on aircraft carrier after complaining of stomach pains

A sailor who complained of a stomachache recently gave birth to a healthy, 7-pound baby girl aboard the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Navy told The Virginian-Pilot. The sailor, who was on the ship while it operated in the Persian Gulf, did not report she was pregnant because she said she did not know she was.

“As the baby was born at sea aboard an operational unit, the main focus for the U.S. Navy, the ship and its crew is the safety and wellbeing of the baby and the mother,” Cmdr. Bill Urban, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command spokesman, told The Virginian-Pilot. “The baby and mother have arrived in Bahrain via helicopter with a medical escort and have been taken to a shore-based hospital for follow on care.”

An incubator, diapers and formula were flown out to the carrier following the baby’s birth, which was not immediately clear, reports said. The incubator was used to transport the baby during the medical evacuation.



  1. Don't we have a wonderful military now , thanks obama.

  2. Can a woman actually be pregnant without knowing it?

  3. Lets see now,we go into battle with pregnant women and we just ask our adversaries to wait a while because we need to take a break to have a baby? Those fricken liberals are real sharp.

  4. 8:36 Totally possible. Google "cryptic pregnancies." Hope baby and mama are doing well!

  5. Yes, it's possible. But it generally happens in a woman who is grossly overweight.

  6. How freakin' fat is this "woman"? Too fat to be in the Navy, I'd bet!

  7. Between women having to call timeout to have babies and trannies having to call timeout to change their pads, our military is in fine shape.

  8. She will be released from the Navy with an honorable discharge. The baby will get 100% disability for having been born in a hostile environment. And the "Baby Daddy" will be listed as the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower on the birth certificate!

  9. I served on an aircraft carrier and am very surprised they didn't give her a aspirin and tell to come back in the morning. Depending on how long they have been to sea I would guess there are more than 1 sailor worried right now!!!!!!!

  10. I guess any thing goes now a days.
    Literally. Anything.
    Like a pregnant sailor.

    I have heard it all now.

  11. Can we at least assume the person who gave birth was a "mother"?
    Does she identify as a Mother? Or a Father?
    Which one is it?

  12. The above questions and comments would have never even been thought of back in the day when our Navy was the most feared forced on the planet.
    Now, we don't want to hurt our enemies, take pains not to insult them or hurt their feelings, and actually give them money to start problems for us!!!
    Believe this --- the rest of the world is not applauding our "diversity" and our "inclusiveness", or our empathy for everyone's dream.
    They are laughing at us.
    And buzzing our destroyers like we don't even have bullets anymore. And if we do, are too scared to use them.
    Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy are rolling in their graves.
    Keep cheering.


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