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Monday, September 05, 2016

Trump Campaign: FBI Notes Prove Hillary Clinton's 'Bad Judgment and Dishonesty'

Donald Trump’s senior communications advisor Jason Miller responded to the release of the FBI’s notes on its interview with Hillary Clinton over her private email server, saying the notes reveal Clinton’s “tremendously bad judgment and dishonesty.”

“Hillary Clinton is applying for a job that begins each day with a Top Secret intelligence briefing, and the notes from her FBI interview reinforce her tremendously bad judgment and dishonesty. Clinton’s secret email server was an end run around government transparency laws that wound up jeopardizing our national security and sensitive diplomatic efforts,” Miller said in a statement released Friday afternoon.



  1. And the Russians are hacking our government's online communications because of Hillary's carelessness.
    She's not fit for office simply because she's incompetent and untrustworthy.

  2. 9:41 AM - If she were a family member, she'd be the crazy old aunt that nobody visits.


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