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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tim Kaine: If You Can’t Tell the Truth, You Can’t Be President

Vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine believes that if you can’t tell the truth, you can’t be president.

“If you can’t tell the truth, frankly, if you can’t recognize what the truth is, then you really can’t be a president, you can’t be a commander-in-chief,” he said.

Kaine made his remarks during a rally in Miami, accusing Trump of multiple lies during the presidential campaign. But Kaine made no mention of his running mate Hillary Clinton lying on serial occasions, particularly when she discussed her private email server.

In 2008, Clinton lied about landing in Bosnia “under sniper fire” in 1996 and being “dead broke” when she and her husband left the White House, and she even claimed that she tried to join the Marines in the 1970s. She lied about F.B.I. Director James Comey’s statements regarding the truth of her habit of emailing classified information.

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  1. Hillary is finished then Tim?

    1. Hillary and every other politician on the planet!

  2. Out of the mouths of idiots...

  3. What an idiot! The greatest liar of them all is Hillary!

  4. Tim, go have another drink.......

  5. That's the pot calling the kettle black!
    Hillary doesn't know how to tell the truth!
    Too much baggage and too many cover ups. If
    it was you or me, we would have been serving time in

  6. Tim Kaine is nothing but fake lying p.o.s., like Hillary.

  7. Tell it to hillary timmy.

  8. Well you picked the wrong person to run with!! Chuckle head


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