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Monday, September 26, 2016

The friendship of George W. Bush and Michelle Obama

(CNN)Saturday's dedication of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture brought together the president who signed into law the funding for the museum and the president who was in office during its completion.

But the gathering of the 43rd and 44th first couples also saw the reuniting of two unlikely friends.

Over the past eight years, former President George W. Bush and First Lady Michelle Obama have been seen becoming increasingly chummy. At public events, the two can often be found sitting next to each other, sharing a laugh or lending a hand to hold.

Saturday's ceremony was no exception. During the event, Obama reached over and grabbed Bush into a hug as their spouses clapped and looked on.


  1. How about a live post while the debate is on ?

  2. That's because they have the same agenda, the same ideas, the same motives, and the same connections.
    They could hide it as long as there were POLITICIANS in the race (they all knew the REAL game).
    NOW, Trump is putting a red dot on their scams, corruption, back room dealing, lying, stealing, and bribe taking.
    Time to circle the wagons and see if we can't play the people just a little while longer.
    The people are waking up. It may be too late to play the shell game on them.
    Keep cheering.

  3. Bush is being passive aggressive towards Trump.


  4. Dubya' is known to be a homosexual.
    It is a prerequisite now for becoming POTUS.
    That is why Mr. Frumpfe has no chance.


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