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Monday, September 26, 2016

The Biggest Economy Bubble Will Burst In 2017


  1. Not exactly. What will happen is that when Trump is President the printing of money will stop. The propping up of wall street will stop. The MSM will scream terror, but the real small business economy will begin to thrive again.
    Control and influence will shift from the uber rich back to main street America.

    Good bye Hillary and your rigged economy that makes people like your disgusting self rich and shuts out the "deplorables"

    May you rot in .....

  2. Obama administration kicked the can down the road so he looked good. 19 trillion in debt the economy is not doing well now.

  3. I'm not a fan of the democratic party but if you think that Trump will and be allowed to just turn on Wall Street your mistaken. Ms year from now everyone will be screaming about how the other sides special interest will be making millions. It will never be about small business in this country again

  4. Cut taxes and unleash our natural resources.

  5. I'm afraid that what is going to happen is that the system is going to crash no matter who wins. Trump is going to win and he will be held responsible ( unlike Obama, who is held responsible for nothing). The democrats and the media will say: "We warned you what would happen". And the ignorant masses will be convinced. So I am sorry to say that the Democratic Party will have their way with the USA. Hasta la vista, Dhimmis!

  6. 6:16, it will hurt at first, but it will be a good pain. then, life will start to get much better!

  7. You guys need to do a little more research.
    Easy to do on line
    Youtube search several topics about the economy, currency, banking, so on.

    If the Fed stops printing money right now, the entire economy will collapse.
    Utter despair for decades.
    Social chaos.

    They cannot stop printing money.

  8. 19 trillion in debt it HAS to burst bring everyone back to reality then TRY and start over. This did happen before did everyone forget about the Great Depression or they no longer teach that in history as well

  9. Great Depression??? Didn't happen on my watch!
    Signed "Common Core"


    TRUMP 2016!

  10. Oh but the 19 trillion dollar national debt did!!! Great job you obviously were sleep on "your watch"


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