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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sunglasses Reveal Hillary's Shady Health Lies


  1. She has tremors from Parkingsons.

  2. She was the only one who had glasses on during the event.

  3. Should have a full face shield like the chick that took the Clippers basketball owner to the bank!! Ha Ha Ha would be an improvement!!

  4. My father had anti seizure sunglasses after he started experiencing seizures after a stroke. They had blue lenses as do Clinton's.

  5. People who can convince themselves that they are telling the truth even when they are lying can pass a polygraph with no problem.

  6. When they have the first debate all Trump supporters show up with cameras and continually take flash pictures of shrillary all night long until she passes out. Also someone bring in a strobe light to shine on her so we can watch her go into convulsions right on stage.

  7. So, did she make the Ellen show today? She was scheduled to be on, but I had to work to make money to pay off my tax bill.

  8. I don't know 6:15 but do they film on the same day as broadcast. It could be on later this week or next.

  9. She (or her body double) is supposed to be in public today.


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