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Friday, September 16, 2016

Signs of electoral earthquake in latest polls

From Ohio to Colorado to Maine, Trump surging, Hillary collapsing

The latest state and national polls, the first partially reflecting Hillary Clinton’s bad week, show Donald Trump moving up in swing states, challenging his opponent in Democrat states and running away with Republican states.

In Ohio, one of the most important battleground venues, the latest Bloomberg poll, conducted only partially after Mrs. Clinton’s physical collapse Sunday, shows Trump with his biggest lead – up 5 percent.

Taken Friday through Monday, Trump emerges with a 48 percent to 43 percent lead among likely voters in a two-way contest and 44 percent to 39 percent when third-party candidates are included.

In another shocking poll for the Democrats released Tuesday, Donald Trump is catching up on Hillary Clinton in Maine as they race for the presidency. Clinton leads Trump by a mere 3 points, 42 percent to 39 percent, within the margin of error, in the Colby College/Boston Globe survey.



  1. Even the MSM can't deny it anymore!

  2. Funny thing is all polling seems to have been halted. Only one today LA Times has Trump at +6.

  3. Polls don't matter.

    We will be voting on computers.

  4. Democrats have no plan to help the people of this country just help themselves and elitist donors.

  5. Many bluecollar democrats will be voting for Trump. That is the elephant in the room they don't want to talk about.


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