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Monday, September 19, 2016

Salisbury City Council Agenda & Packet For 9-19-16


  1. Oh yeah, low-income housing in Downtown Salisbury. That is the way to bring in business to downtown. Some FOJ (Friend of Jake) is buying a premium lot downtown for $10,001 dollars. Then this unknown friend/LLC is going to have a store on the first floor and then 52, that is correct 52 units. So please tell me where these poor low-income tenants are going to park their 104 cars. Not to mention the store employees and visitors to the stores. And don't forget the hundreds of visitors a day to downtown Salisbury.

    Yep, another entitlement program to enhance Salisbury's overcrowed rental housing stock.

    Leave it up to idiot Democrats to support something stupid like this.

    Let's see how our conservative Libertarian... oops, I meant Republican, Muir Boda votes on this. If he was truly supporting the public he would vote NO on this entitlement program. This is stealing and should not happen.

  2. 52 units for low income housing is going to mean at least 500 vehicles, so where are they going to park?

  3. not going to park in any city lots all being sold for more low income housing. Somebody needs to get their head out of their a$$.
    Downtown is as good as dead like the brains of those making the decisions
    Will the last person working turn out the lights when you leave this god forsaken town

  4. Low-income housing? Haven't the Democrats realized yet that rentals and low-income housing are the demise of every city. Low-income housing means crime. To those few dumb believers in Downtown Salisbury you can now say good bye to your dreams because once the low-income housing is in place you can't get rid of it.

    Then you have Jake's buddies who are laughing all the way to the bank for getting rich off the taxpayers.

    So much for Salisbury's crime rate going down! LMFAO

  5. But of course no one is going to go to the work session to complain about it.

  6. It will not matter because they will do it regardless.

  7. Not only will there be parking issues, we already have a lot of vacant office / apartments etc downtown.... can't fill what is here and now they are going to build more.... Way To Go....


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