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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Police: Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, wanted in connection with N.Y. bombing

New York police say there is a manhunt underway for Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, in connection with the weekend bombing in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.

New York Police Department spokesman J. Peter Donald announced the development on Twitter.



  1. Where is the Outrage from Obama ?????? Oh its a muslim and not anti american situations like ,football, BLM,black teens shooting cops on on on obama you sir are the WORST PRESIDENT EVER.

    1. And trump knows damn well obama was born in Kenya bc his own Grandmother and half brother stated so,Obama was broght to the U S as a infant illegaly but back then esp in hawaii getting a birth cert would have been easy ,but isnt it strange the same woman who worked for the hawaii dept of records stated she couldnt find a record of him then she died in a plane crash drowning while a us marshall looked on taking video of her in the water and all other 9 pass survived ???? Hmmmmm google it, its a FACT.

  2. 9:05 is letting the terrorists win. This was meant to divide us and you're falling right into it

    1. Lol no idiots lime you are CLUELESS until something happens in your own backyard.

  3. Because Obama is probably related.

  4. "Ahmad Khan Rahami"

    Nah Bruh! It can't be a terrorist bombing. Oops, did I say bombing?

  5. With a name like that you stupid Democrats and RINO's can elect him President!

  6. Now, now, 9:05, just looking at his name doesn't mean he's a Muslim. He might be a good Catholic boy who's just "misunderstood" and thought those pressure cookers that his friends gave him were to be left as gifts at the various locations!

    Don't jump to such outrageous conclusions!

  7. You voted for him so you get what you paid for!!!!!

  8. I had a feeling the suspect wasn't named joe smith

  9. Is ANYBODY surprised it is a Muslim who has immigrated to this country? Furthermore, since this guy was naturalized, it just proves we can't vet the ones we have already let into our country!

  10. If Obama had a son......

  11. He looks like the Uber driver we used.

  12. I hope they hang him real high, surround him with pigs, and leave him hanging until he croaks.

  13. I don't believe anything the media or government tells me.

  14. Prison menu Pork , eat up!


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