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Sunday, September 04, 2016

People Are Setting Fire To Their Kaepernick Jerseys After He Refused To Stand For The National Anthem

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick stirred controversy in a preseason game against the Green Bay Packers on Friday night when he remained seated during the national anthem.

On Saturday Kaepernick said he refused to support a country that he believes oppresses black people and other minorities:
I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.

To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.


  1. He gets 16 MILLION for being injured and not playing. I have thrown out everything I own of the 49ers. I will not watch until he leaves. Terroist.

  2. Fine him and fire him
    Too much BS for the NFL
    Don't need his attitude.
    Got enough of that in the White house

  3. Welcome to the world of the shortsighted and reactionary, son.

  4. I don't see him opening his checkbook for the "oppressed", until then he can shut his pie hole!

  5. 10:48 Nothing short sighted and reactionary at all about the response to his ignorance.

  6. Stopped watching all NFL and NBA games years ago and have absolutely no regrets. Kaepernick has always been a POS.

  7. The same NON-PROFIT NFL that would not allow helmet tributes to the murdered Dallas police officers.

  8. Everything that's wrong with today's society!! Pay some hughead millions to play sports but can't get teachers to teach in public schools!! He will have something to protest once his pay checks start bouncing because the dollar is no longer worth the paper its printed on

  9. It's a waste of gasoline to burn his jersey. The most economical way to do it is throw it on the ground and piss on it. That way you can do it more than once and get satisfaction multiple times.

  10. I wonder if his biological father felt oppressed and that is the reason he left his mother before he was even born. Did Colin feel oppressed being adopted by 2 white parents? I think he should remain seated on the bench all season.

  11. His play will keep him on the bench all season.

  12. Another black athlete taken in by a white couple given every chance at success and now whites are the enemy.

  13. I think it was 1984 when the Baseball Owners and Players had issues over money and the Players went on strike, the World Series was canceled that year. I have not watched a Baseball Game since, when Billionaires start arguing with Millionaires I was done. Football I have always loved, now money is ruining it as well I'm sorry there is no player worth 90 or 100 million dollars. Now this deal with Kapernick of the 49er's I'd like to see someone belt him right in the mouth but the NFL is as Liberal as he is. Won't be long and I'll be religated to watching Ping Pong. Hopefully some Patriotic Defensive Lineman will hit him so hard it'al be a career ender. Sorry just the way I feel about it.

  14. Typical uneducated stance by a spoiled athlete. 67-1 is the ratio of police shootings compared of blacks as to black on black shootings. He chose the wrong setting to spout his political Rhetoric

  15. Kaepernick = attention hog. Such a ding-dong!! He'll get released, go to another team and get more $$$$.

    Hmmmm, aside from being a POS - that's "get me in the limelight" type capitalism in a nutshell!


  16. This is a sad display of choice!!!! He can't back up his talk on the field so now he resorts to this!!! His excuse for being cut from the league will be because of this ignorant display of disrespect

  17. This is a stunt by him so that when his contract isn't renewed he will sue saying the 49ers are racist.

  18. Fortunately for him he plays in San Francisco where he will probably be cheered for his actions. Trade him to a place like Green Bay where they will probably throw him in jail for not standing.

  19. It's so simple. Here's what we do:
    First: I have NO doubt that everyone stands by his right to voice his protest (in the manner in which he did). That's America.
    Secondly: Folks that disagree with him certainly also have a right to protest.
    I would suggest starting an on-line petition to boycott ALL televised sponsors during 49'ers games.
    There is no better way to have our voices (and wallets) heard.
    I'm too low-tech to start that type of petition, but if anyone on this blog does, please let us know.

  20. If he wants to take a stand, that is his choice. He has every right to stand up, for lack of a better term, for what he believes in. That being said, I believe he has gone about this the wrong way. He stated specifically afterwards he meant no disrespect to the military, but regardless of what his intentions were it was disrespectful none the less. He should find a better way to voice his opinion.

    I do also agree that it is a cop out to keep referring back to the police and issues with law enforcement. Dwayne Wade recently was part of a "Town Hall" on gun violence and within 48 hours his cousin was shot while pushing her baby in a stroller just minding her own business walking down the street. This was not by a cop. If you want to take a stand, fine do so. But make sure you are holding those causing pain and anguish accountable as well. To excuse their actions is to speak onto deaf ears. No one will hear you.

    1. He needs to walk in tje hood around 3 am with a wad.of cash showing then lets see where BLM is.?

  21. This clown is the second string quarterback and probably just put himself completely out of the NFL. This clown has proven on the past its all about him not his team or teammates and certainly not anybody he's suppsedly speaking up for. Just a whiny overpaid punk that thinks he's being mistreated because he's not able to perform at a level high enough to play

  22. Screw you kapernick I didn't watch over 200 of my fellow marines get blown to pieces by a suicide bomber so you can disrespect the flag and sit on the sideline moping like a little baby because your talent isn't up to league standards anymore

  23. His adoptrd parents are White .

  24. Let me see if I can figure this out. His biological mother was white, and biological father was black who ran off before he was born and his mother gave him up for adoption. His adopted parents are both white. Seems to be the person that did him wrong was his father. All the other seem to only want what was best for him. He reminds me of Obama.

  25. I will be watching SF games for one reason and one reason only, and that is to boycott any sponsor during any game that he plays in.

  26. For those of you who burned Kaepernick's jersey, that's your choice. Reminds me of the idiots that hate/hated LeBron James, said nasty things about him and burned his jersey when he left Cleveland to go to Miami. But now that LeBron is back they love him all over again. I'm sure Colin and LeBron could care less. I see a lot of people not standing up for the National Anthem...life goes on. But because "celebrities" are in the public eye, the media makes it a big deal. I could care less about who sit or stand because people are still going to watch football or whatever they want. Let's just do our part and ignore the rest.

  27. This man embodies what is best about America, wanting America to live up to the virtues that it supposedly "stands" for. I applaud him. And I applaud the many service members who have equally risked ridicule for being brave enough to back him up.

  28. He was fined 11k for calling another player a "dumb N" in the last game. Look it up!!


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