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Sunday, September 25, 2016

PAULA JONES Wants to Join GENNIFER FLOWERS in Front Row at Presidential Debate

Paula JonesGennifer Flowers and Juanita Broaddrick want to attend the presidential debate!
On Friday the Clinton Campaign announced they were giving Mark Cuban a seat in the front row to troll Donald Trump during the presidential debate on Monday.
They are that desperate.
Mark Cuban tweeted about it on Friday.
Just got a front row seat to watch @HillaryClinton overwhelm@realDonaldTrump at the "Humbling at Hofstra" on Monday. It Is On !
On Saturday Donald Trump responded—


  1. Why not? I think that the families of the Bengazi victims should also be on the front row!

  2. Fair is fair. Crooked Hillary will not allow such seating that is not her recommendation. Lets see what the debate committee agree to or not agree to.

  3. Exactly, why not. I also think Monica should be there dressed in blue and yes, every last one of the Bengazi victims families should be front and center.

  4. Now I think you are on to something 5:45
    Best idea yet!

  5. And get some representative from Haiti that saw the billions go not to relief, but to Hillary's family and cronies.

  6. Just so all in the front row take constant flash pictures for the full 90 minutes! That should make the witch "short circuit"! No film necessary!

  7. Everyone needs to take a deep breath & realize how stupid all of this is.Get a grip.I must be the only adult in the room who can see this is intended to distract from relevant issues.

  8. All that would be totally appropriate, but leaving all those seats empty with "Reserved For..." signs on them would do the job on Hillary, and not show any bad taste on the Donald's part! The pressure that one of these 10 people would actually show up and take a seat during the proceeds will drive Hillary batshoot!

  9. Benghazi is nothing compared to those who lost their lives in Iraq under the Republican President

  10. Ps HEY MARK CUBAN aint you a 1% er billionare ? Hypocrite.

    1. The rich pig will just pass the buck to the consumer.

  11. Monica said that she remembers the last time that she had a Clinton and a Cuban in the same room!

  12. Dig Vince foster up and prop him up in the front row.


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