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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Offshore wind farm could lower congestion costs

With the only power plant in the county serving the residents of Berlin, and only part-time at that, transmitting electricity to customers on the lower shore can get costly, but quantifying exactly how much could be saved by employing other methods is not likely to be a line item on anyone’s bill anytime soon.

These costs of transmission are already rolled into the kilowatt-hour charges customers see delineated on electric bills.

Paul Rich of U.S. Wind, the company in the process of installing an offshore wind farm near Ocean City, described these costs as a “hidden tax” on lower shore residents. He estimated the costs at $4.25 per bill per individual customer on the lower shore.



  1. Offshore wind is the most expensive form of energy. Factoring the cost makes NO cents plus it kills whales and porpoises and tourism drops by 30%. Other negative impacts are not being disclosed.

  2. Maintenance costs will be way too high to justify their existence. Go sell it to somebody else and look back at in a few years. The windmill at Chesapeake he's reached its end of useful life before it paid for itself, and it's on LAND!


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