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Saturday, September 10, 2016

OC’s New Trailer Parking Rules In Effect For First Bike Week

OCEAN CITY — OC BikeFest arrives in the resort next week with the fall Cruisin’ event soon to follow, but much has changed in terms of the parking rules for trailers and oversized vehicles since the same events last fall.

As part of the ongoing effort to rein in some of the behavior associated with the vehicle-related special events in the resort, the Mayor and Council last fall began exploring changes to the town’s ordinance regarding trailer and oversized vehicle parking on city streets. The changes were debated at various levels throughout the offseason with the Mayor and Council approving a final version in March.

The ordinance changes were borne after a particularly troublesome spring Cruisin’ event last year when residents complained of trailers and other oversized vehicles parked along main thoroughfares and side streets, taking up vast areas of street parking in some cases and causing traffic obstructions in others.

Boiled down to its simplest terms, the new ordinance allows only registered participants in the special events, including OC BikeFest next week, to park trailers on public streets from May 1 to Oct. 31 after purchasing a permit from the event organizer and affixing the associated sticker to their trailers. The permits cost $50 and apply only to the event prior to or during which they are purchased.



  1. Another OC shakedown.

  2. Just another reason to avoid OC!

  3. Prime example of archaic thinking. When a small populace bitches, action (policy) is taken which then effects the majority (bikers/cruisers/visitors) that feeds (sales receipts) you (Town of OC).

    In 21st Century terms - SMH!

  4. Always funny to me, a Bike festival, but the people are all too fat and old to ride so they tow their bikes on trailers!

  5. Just another reason why I stay away from Ocean City overpriced overcrowded and overrated no freedoms no fun anymore

  6. Good choice. Piss off the bikers first to see how everyone else will like it.

  7. 7:27 most of the bikers are members of the AARP club, not much of a threat.

  8. 1015 not much of a threat, but their large money filled wallets/purses are important to this town. Its the minority (youngins) who cause the problems.

    We are a tourist industry driven town. Nothing will change that - EVER.

  9. The town should be kissing the a#% of all who bring the trailers and their money to ocean city if the park illegally and they really have to than give out fines not shake the peaple down for permits , get your head out of you a## town hall don't piss in the fan , help revenue not hurt everybody's bottom line so you can make a couple bucks on permits.


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