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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ocean City Firefighters Outraged Over Union Reps Petitioning 9/11 Ceremony Yesterday

Union representatives carried clipboards yesterday attempting to garnish signatures at the 9/11 ceremony for collective bargaining. Several Firefighters shared their disgust with me stating they have no respect for these people. There's a time and a place, this is not right. 


  1. Pretty distasteful.
    What union do the represent?

    1. Read their shirts, Ocean City firefighters.

  2. The police department? Really, you can't figure it out. Take a look at the shirts if you are still stumped.

  3. No class at all, these people have no shame!

  4. Union thugs. Go ahead and disagree with them and see what happens. Just like the teachers union did.

  5. The "Little Socialists".

  6. you expect more from a union?

  7. Collective bargaining! Where government employees get better treatment than ordinary citizens and yet the citizens are the ones who pay for their lavish luxury! Secret meetings and rigged ballots to ensure itll be voted in! So much wrong with this malarkey! Wicomico county sheriff's office is key example of criminal cops and their government handlers disregarding the people for a few cry babies! Worst part of this story is its firefighters doing it! The last truly dangerous and respected civil servants job left!

  8. These are Ocean City paid Firefighters. 911 is the day of respect, something they have none of. Even the two candidates for President suspended their campaigns. Unbelievably rude, self centered, and STUPID.

  9. It's all about them. They could care less about the Fire Service, or the real hero's. This show's exactly what their made of.

  10. I thought not standing for the National Anthem was the worst we have become, now this. Let me see if I have this right. The day of respect to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice, and these losers choose to seek signatures against the very people that provide them a job. Really ............

  11. I don't get the union bashing? I understand bashing these people in particular for doing it on such a day, but unions have helped the American worker immensely in the past.

  12. This is the IAFF of Ocean City, what's the surprise, typical Ocean City. Perfect close to a wonderful season. The worst June Bugs ever, the BLM on the Boardwalk, now union thugs to close out the season.

  13. This group knocked on my door, I remember the fat women. No chance she's a fireman. They started on the crap about they wanted "outside" experts to decide disagreements, I showed them my thoughts, the door in their face. I support our Mayor and Council 110% on this one. Now their on the Boardwalk, just another street performer, and we know what low lifes they are.

    1. Everyone knows she was a token hire. Thats today's world, get used to it.

  14. That's right 8:39, in the past. All the unions represent now is greed and corruption.

  15. Joe your absolutely right, the time and place to discuss politics, is in front of the post office, grocery stores etc., not a memorial! The problem is, your dealing with people that have no consideration of others, and think their entitled to more money, less work, and not being accountable to anyone.

  16. I have donated to the ocvfc for years. This movement is about greed, pure and simple. They knocked on my door also, that's the end of my donations.

    1. This is not the OCVFC, it's the paid union, never gonna be enough, new generation of taxpayer leeches.

  17. Where's the union president that these fools are following? That's right, he's off playing with boys, it was a weekend. Wake up folks, your making yourselves look worse everyday, and to think you were once considered hero's. Just like Salisbury, "it's all about ME!"

  18. The worst thing to happen to the Ocean City Fire EMS, was the union. It is a negative Cancer, that's taken hold, and is terminal to the core values of what public servants once stood for. The protection, and service to others. Crying shame, this is what we've become as a society.

  19. If I am not mistaken the Ocean City firefighters and EMT's make a lot more money than Salisbury firefighters and EMT's. Because I remember guys from Salisbury going to Ocean City and telling how much more money they would be making. pretty sure that is true by personally hearing these conversations. Check it out.

    1. Quite a bit more, average over $20,000. Maybe Salisbury should petition for better wages and benefits.

  20. Very very tasteless and the fire fighters should have called the vultures off if they had any class themselves. I admin a FB page for a reality TV personality who some would say is lacking in social graces but they informed me last week to do a tribute on Sunday and the rest of the day the page was to go silent.

  21. The union leaders taking advantage of the emotion of the people that were there to remember, and pay their respects, should be fired! The fire dept. should be ashamed, and to call that their memorial is a front for another objective. To brag and misguide the visitors about the self serving bastards they really are.

  22. 12:51 Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel! Can't say I disagree.

  23. Even TRUMP didn't campaign yesterday out of respect for the date that will never be forgotten. These knuckleheads, they have lot all respect, and we have for them. Great job IAFF, way to go!

  24. This was the talk of the day at my station LOL. Way to go OCFD, makes us all look like losers. No doubt another tactic by Wittington without any thought whatsoever. Wake up brothers, it's going to be a long ride alone.

  25. "Brothers," come on now, that was lost years ago. It's a statement used today to bond together for more money, benefits, and toot our own horn. If any of these "brothers" stood by the same belief they had when they joined, they would know brotherhood. It's a forgone belief, that's now simply a word. Ocean City was one of the last to go, shame actually.

  26. Poor taste and a tremendous lack of judgment. Kind of like kneeling or sitting when the National Anthem is being played...stupid beyond belief!

  27. Unions are the downfall of any organization. I have said several times, when the OCFD followed Whittington, it would be their demise. Parsonsburg was blessed you inherited him, thank God for us.

    1. Please take him back, we'll throw in a bonus and include several more, please

  28. Joe, the union president is in full damage control. Told a Council member"they were just hanging out". Try again Ryan, the only thing worse than ignorance is covering a lie.

    1. Did you expect anything different? Whittington has lied not just to the public, but his own people. Their appearance during the 911 ceremony shows their stupidity, disrespect, and total lack of professionalism. If it walks like a duck, guess what, it's not a eagle.

  29. James Lloyd Jester
    2 hrs ·
    after an emotional 24-hours between Saturday and Sunday, I want to take a moment to thank a few individuals who were instrumental in the execution of the OCVFC's Remembrance Ceremony for 9/11 - first to Kevin Knowles, for coordinating the wording we used to recognize the six major happenings of the day and for standing guard - to Chief David Cropper for the use of Tower 1 and assisting to set her up - to Mike Hastings for his assistance w/ the tower, the flag presentation, and standing guard - to Tony Sandulli, Michael Knowles, and the OCVFC Cadets who bathed Tower 1 and made her look beautiful for the ceremony to Skip Carey, David Nut Hedges, Reggie Bell, Philip Turk, and Charlie Bunting for braving the heat to stand guard at the Memorial to David Coleman, John Wilson, Jr., and Scott Shuster for snapping pics of the event to our two FDNY Brothers who guarded the steel they used to protect outstanding work by the Red Knights and John Tartufo for completing a perfect Remembrance Ceremony OC Communications' Dispatcher Berkley Hoffman for proudly reading the reminders exactly on cue

    Photo Credit: Scott Shuster

  30. Jay Jester! I knew it all the time!

  31. Little Ryan continues to lead the downfall of the Department with his little man syndrome, fighting, after his promises of being the peacemaker when he was elected. One day, when it's way to late, everyone will see, you don't fight City Hall.

    1. And as long as the rest of the puppets follow him, they get what they deserve. Just ask anyone from Parsonsburg about the damage he can create. You wanted her, your wish came true.

  32. By the looks of those in the picture, how can they really be firefighters? You would think they would be happy making 80-100k for being imposters. Come to a real job where you get paid far less, and can't sleep through calls, then petition.

    1. That bunch will never be happy, two of the three are the most negative, depressing people you could ever work with. They DO NOT represent all of us.

  33. The unappreciative, entitlement losers that have carried this petition should be called out by name. Well over two thirds of the full time career firefighters have had nothing to do with it. They show up for work ready to rest, not work, and that's if they show up at all. They make in many cases six figures, and cry for more. I am leaving and will never look back. It was once a great Division.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Everyone knows she was a token hire. Thats today's world, get used to it.

    September 18, 2016 at 10:05 AM

    Clay Stamp wanted to date her.

  35. Everyone knows the paid firefighter in Salisbury who happens to be a volunteer firefighter in OC is behind this. He wants to be the next paid fire chief in Ocean City that he can taste it. He was the main character involved in the Volunteer Fire Department take over of the Ocean City Department of Fire/EMS. What happened to the volunteer fire chief who took the job for $1 per year? That didn't last long. Now the unqualified Goober is making $150,000 per year.

    The paid firefighter in Salisbury is a captain and in OC he is an assistant chief. He kissed butts to get where he is today. He also did a lot of back stabbing, especially to the paid firefighter/paramedics.

    The ironic thing is the same person has never really fought fire. And another thing, he will never be a paramedic. These people in this picture can do his job, but he will never be able to do theirs. Watch your backs OCEMS!

    1. I believe your jealous, hurts wanting something you'll never have huh?

    2. What's Jester behind? The union in Ocean City making asses out of themselves petitioning on 911? Hardly makes any sense. Looks like you just high jacked this post to take an undeserved shot. Keep hating, while he's dancing.

  36. The IAFF doesn't have enough signatures because their to lazy to work for them, simple as that. Signed by an FOP member that has to work for a living.

    1. What the police Chief doesn't allow you to lay around and sleep for 24 hours, and get the same money? Really ? How about the last time OCPD slept through calls, he doesn't allow that either, Really ? Maybe you need to petition on 911 also. Oh, the cops wouldn't stoop so low, Really?

  37. OMG the "fat women", SBY NEWS is always the best news, and a great laugh. Why do you think Ocean City went to $25.000 power stretchers, hydraulic ladder racks, and 3 person crew's ? Because there are a few that can't do the job! Thats a fact jack! And to think she now is a union rep to want more, when she (among about half dozen others) is the problem.

    1. Someone tells the brutal truth. I haven't stopped laughing since a certain Mrs negative lost her special detail after stealing overtime hours. Karma baby, karma :)

  38. What? A union petition carrier, dedicated Town employee, Paramedic FIREFIGHTER (yeah) steeling overtime ????????? Yep, chunky one in the picture ruined it for everyone.

  39. Funny part is that the two in the picture don't live in Ocean City, but they work there. They want to come work in your town, tell you how to run it, then take their money back where they live, and leave you with the problems associated. One out of county, one out of state.


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