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Friday, September 16, 2016

Obama Admin. Opens The Internet To Food Stamp Purchases

The federal government is taking food stamp purchases to the internet, launching a two-year pilot program to experiment with allowing food stamp users to buy their groceries on online.

Thursday the Obama Administration announced that it is looking for retailer volunteers to participate in the nationwide test program.

“Online purchasing shows great promise to improve access to healthy food for [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program] participants living in neighborhoods and rural or tribal areas without grocery stores,” Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, said in a statement.



  1. I can't believe this guy was actually elected leader of this nation. Don't know many people that shop for groceries online there Mr. Prez

  2. Not everyone has computer access.

  3. 7:35, Stop clicking twice every time you send in a comment. Just left click once please.

  4. Just another example of how to perpetuate entitlement fraud.

  5. Who is buying starving people computers and paying for their electricity and internet - oh, right........the same people who burn corn for gas :(

  6. The big question is who is the vendor and how much are they getting paid to oversee this service? I know the big banks were awarded 100's of millions to process the cards when used.

  7. Give them all a Samsung 7 phone.

  8. Plenty of people buy groceries online and do it right from their phone. Just because you are stuck in the 1970's and a place that time has forgotten, why be so negative? Maybe you should try it since none of you seem to like the food stores you have. Free shipping on orders over $50 usually. No parking/bums/traffic and it shows up at your door.

  9. Not "plenty" 10:00. While a lot of people in the US say they would be open to buying online, it's only like 2% who do so on a regular basis and of those 2% 99% do so because of a disability.

  10. Google grocerytaxi or shipt. Both are grocery delivery services. Old people just don't get it.

    From Morgan Stanely earlier this year: Several factors may be driving the trend. Generally, more shoppers are accustommed to buying online, including a younger, more mobile generation of consumers.

    Old people also said amazon would fail because people won't buy stuff without going to a store. How's that working out for your portfolio?

  11. amazon stock just paid for my new truck


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