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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

New Driving Laws to Take Effect October 1

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A number of new road laws will be going into effect on Saturday, October 1. Among them, is the Drunk Driving Reduction Act of 2016, also known as Noah’s Law.
Maryland Department of Transportation Officials say that under Noah’s Law, drivers will be required to participate in the state Ignition Interlock Program if they are found of:
  • Driving under the influence (DUI)
  • Driving while impaired (DWI) — while transporting a minor under the age of 16
  • Driving while intoxicated if there’s an initial breathalyzer test refusal
  • Killing or inflicting a life-threatening injury on anyone while driving under the influence or while impaired.
An ignition interlock is a device that is essentially a breathalyzer test inside one’s vehicle. It prevents a vehicle from starting when it detects a certain level of alcohol on the driver’s breath and requires the driver to retest at random points while they are driving.


  1. Complete loss of privacy and freedom.

  2. Attach a big sign to every one of those cars so that neighbors and relatives know not to lend their vehicles to the offenders.

    1. I bet u did ur own drinking in the day Hypocrite.

  3. Wish DE would crack down. Can't believe I read stories of people on their 4th DUI

  4. Years ago, the interlock system just began, and it was VERY expensive. Who will pay for this system to be put in your car or the monthly fees associated with it? Where does this money go? What if the offender can not afford it? Will the offender be required to test while driving? I think requiring this device is a terrible idea. Just like back in the day where if convicted of a DUI you were forced to attend AA meetings and get that stamp. Do they still do that?

  5. 8:57:
    Yes, it's very expensive. Still.
    The offender pays all fees. Affordability is not taken into consideration.
    A few years ago I posted on this blog about the "business of MADD". I mentioned then that within 10 years all cars will be required to have this interlock system installed.
    This law is another step toward that goal.
    MADD has become nothing more than a money-making venture, after beginning with a virtuous and community-minded platform.
    Every year SOMETHING needs to be passed to keep MADD relevant and to keep the cash flow - to MADD and the government - flowing.
    I also predicted then that the breath alcohol limit will be 0.0 - zero - in not too many years.
    Watch for that coming, too.

  6. If they can't take anymore of your money they give it to their friends instead... like the good people at interlock Inc.

  7. 1:10:
    You are correct.
    I assure you they have a financial interest at "Interlock", just as they do with AA, rehab programs, etc.
    MADD is BIG business. Upper management makes millions.
    They do this by putting out heavier regulations each and every year to the legislature. If the politician would dare vote against it, they will immediately be labeled as "for drunk driving".


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