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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

NAACP Leader Speaking Against Cops In Charlotte Financed By George Soros

NEW YORK – As riots continue to plague Charlotte, North Carolina after a police shooting there, Rev. William Barber, president of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP, has taken center stage in helping to shape the public narrative by commenting on the issue in the news media.

Not only is the NAACP heavily financed by Soros to the tune of millions of dollars, Barber himself was singled out in a hacked document from the billionaire’s Open Society Institute as part of the rationale for offering a local grant to the NAACP’s North Carolina branch,Breitbart News has found.

The memo states that the NAACP’s North Carolina chapter “advances several key OSI (Open Society Institute) priorities,” and describes Barber himself as a “dynamic leader, catalytic speaker, and builder of powerful and diverse alliances.”


1 comment:

  1. So once again becoming slaves to a communist agitator named SOROS! These Useful idiots will soon find out the evil agenda they support


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