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Saturday, September 17, 2016

My Name Is Joe Albero And I'm Deplorable


  1. I wish that each and every American voter was wearing one of those T shirts.
    Thanks Joe, looking good.

  2. Where can I get one?

  3. 8:57, Oasis is selling them for $15.00 each. That is a fantastic price so you'll have to get them while they last.

  4. I agree didn't always but never never Hilary!

  5. HILLARY has spent her life as a criminal , her life is close to the end , all she knows is illegal , a very sick individual mentally . This shirt is a wonderful representation of her legacy.

  6. I've been Never Hillary since the first time I saw that "Oinker". If any one is Deplorable it's Her.

  7. That's certainly true.

  8. Love it Joe! Now if people will all follow ur advice and vote!

  9. I am Deplorable and I vote as well.

    Vote Republican always and forever! Third party candidates are just losers for their own party. Look at Muir Bota and Gary Johnson. Now look at Michael Swartz.

    Muir only used the Republican party to get elected because he finally figured it out that Libertarians and 3rd Parties don't cut it.

  10. I'm a deplorable too and I always vote. I want one and will be at Oasis first thing Monday when things calm down to purchase.

  11. I agree 1:16. 3rd party candidates and their parties aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack. Imbeciles really. It makes zero sense to jump into any election when most people know nothing about your party. Spend valuable resources on building the party before submitting name on ballot. Keep doing the same thing over and over and over with the same dismal results only proves you are an idiot and are doing something seriously wrong and need to rethink strategy.

  12. I'm Deplorable too.....and proud of it!

    Wish some shirts like this were available in the Salisbury area.

  13. That was a terrible thing Clinton said. I'm sure I come into contact regularly with her supporters and I don't think of them as deplorable. I don't think of them badly, misguided maybe but certainly not deplorable or bad people. I believe most Americans are good people who all want the same thing-a better life for their children, be able to provide for their families, safe neighborhoods and safe schools where the students can learn to name a few. To try and demonize because some feel traditional marriage is best or because someone wants to halt Muslim immigration until the terrorist situation becomes controlled is wrong. People believe differently and that doesn't mean they are deplorable.

  14. To the anonymous person telling me I need to shave because I look old, really? So I'm out to impress/please someone anonymous just because you say so, wow. I'm 54 years old and guess what, I am old, by many standards. Some people are just plain nuts.

  15. That's the great thing about being in your 50's we don 't care anymore.

  16. 10:53, That's exactly right because I don't care what anyone thinks about me or what I do with my body.

  17. Think you'll find you have a lot of company in your Deplorable basket. If not, why are the Democrats getting so desperate?

  18. Please do not shave! You look great with it!


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