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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Maryland Lawmakers Buckle Up to Regulate Self-driving Cars

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ)– Maryland lawmakers buckled up in Annapolis Monday to talk about the future of regulating self-driving cars.

Eight states, plus Washington D.C. have laws regulating driver-less cars. Maryland is not one of them, but that may not last long.

Self-driving car technology is picking up speed. More cars are being tested that can brake, accelerate, and avoid obstacles, with back-up help from a real driver.

Tuesday afternoon, committee members took the wheel on Maryland’s plans to regulate them.



  1. "plans to regulate them" . . .


    How to tax the new products . . .

  2. Regulate self driving cars like their gun control stops crime?

  3. wait till I hack your car and take you for a ride! lol!

  4. We need self driving cars like we need self shooting guns

  5. This will eventually become a disaster. There will be glitches and people will die. Then what?

  6. They have a lot to do,dont they?

  7. The best thing the state of Maryland can do is pass a law that this does not happen, just wait for the litigation after the first person is killed not only against the car manufacturer but the state of Maryland for allowing them on the roads

  8. The citizens of Maryland would be better served if they all walked to the talk of the Bay Bridge and jumped in. They are a disgrace.


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