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Sunday, September 04, 2016

Local Elected Officials Are Full Of Chicken Sh!t

If you wanted to open a Bar but you seem to be somewhat close to a Church, did you know you have to be 500 feet or more away from their front door to your front door? That's a fact.

However, when it comes to chicken houses, currently you only have to be 100 feet away from any property line. After almost ten months of deliberation, meetings and public discussions, (get this) they've been able to expand that distance from 100 feet to 400 feet, WOW!

Now here's the most interesting part you're not hearing from your so called Main Stream Media. Did you know that not one Town representative has been to ANY of the meetings regarding the BIGGEST industry on the entire Eastern Shore! 

Yeah, there are a ton of people out there screaming at the County Executive as well as County Council Members but you know what, it's NOT their fault. You see, YOU elect local Mayors, Town Managers and sorts to REPRESENT YOU and your community/municipality. If you happen to own a piece of land that sits next to a large parcel of land and someone buys it to open up chicken houses, well, they'll be 400 feet away from you with a landscaping buffer to separate the two properties, WOW! 

Now you people understand this. Not one of your Town Representatives showed up to these public meetings and there's been a lot of them. I've talked to some of the County Council Members about this issues and they agree, the newly proposed legislation they'll be voting on next Tuesday is not perfect but it will stop any new applicants from getting away with what was on the books in the past and they can tweak things as time goes on. 

When you elect a Mayor or Town Manager, know what the heck you are doing. STOP voting for lazy chicken sh!t people who don't take their position seriously because in this case every single one of them in Wicomico County failed you 100%. Every meeting on this matter should have been packed with your town representatives.  


  1. Yea, Dodd talks outside of his mouth to home owners but backs big chicken houses.

  2. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ , it's all about the dollar . They are suppose to work for the people . I don't think so . Voting? it don't work any more , take a look at Culver , a good example of a turncoat.

  3. That's the way they operate in Salisbury, Wicomico County, Maryland!!

  4. 7:19, Are you serious? Look, I would certainly hope Dodd AND Culver would in fact support chicken houses. This is the #1 industry on the Shore and if ANY of you think they aren't welcome, put your homes on the market and MOVE. There is NO WAY you people didn't know what the Eastern Shore is all about so stop your whining.

    Now, as for the legislation, well, that certainly needs to be tweaked further. HOWEVER, you people need to get on the phone with your LOCAL Municipal representatives who are SUPPOSED to be going to the County Council and Executive with their thoughts, requests and even demands.

    Point fingers all you want. However, know your Mayors, Town Managers and municipal council members have done NOTHING.

  5. ...so, instead of NIMBY, it's NIMNBY? Not in my neighbors backyard?

  6. Pittsville has a large amount of Section 8 housing and a large trailer park on the Eastside that has had a number of drug raids. I would much rather have chicken houses than some of the riff raff that these places attract .

    1. We prefer keeping the riffraff contained in one or two spots, and our water facilities shortfall has prevented the obligatory section 8 from becoming more than a small patch of waste.

  7. IF a municipality is next door to a large parcel of land outside of town limits, the town government has no control of the property. Folks get on this site trashing official all the time for being where they have no business at taxpayer expense. Now it has turned into lambasting local municipalities officials for not showing up at taxpayer expense to raise hell over problems outside of their town authority and are under county jurisdictions. IMO Town Governments have no reason to be involved. Call me stupid but I see no reason "Every meeting on this matter should have been packed with your town representatives" especially when officials collect expenses from taxpayers.

  8. We have so many areas in this county that could have 500 feet or even a 1000 feet. Don't know why they didn't pursue an area like this .

  9. We have zoning laws. All chicken houses must be in agricultural zones. Bars and churches, not so much. When you compare apples to apples there is no problem here. If people don't want to live next to chicken houses they can choose to live in residential zones.

  10. 7:50, My point was to simply show that IF there are laws out there protecting a Church at 500 feet, WHY would the County allow people to build chicken houses 100 to 400 feet away from your property? So it is comparing apples to apples.

  11. Joe it has worked both ways, poultry houses have been around a long time and some have been in operation for 30 yrs plus. Now someone builds a home or subdivision close and then they bitch about the poultry houses. Wicomico Country has a law on the books called the right to farm bill, it is signed by anyone that buys property in Wicomico County it warns buyers that they may be subject to traffic, odors, dust and other things related to farming.

  12. Joe, I totally disagree with you. I am sure chicken houses are not zoned residential. If you do not want chicken houses located near you, you should not build a house in or near an agricultural zone. The farmers have a tough enough time dealing with all the regulations already in place. Kill off agriculture and we will all be living off SOYLENT GREEN!

  13. Are these rules really law? Is it a law that states 500 feet from a church ?
    Who makes these rules or laws. Chicken houses don't bother me , I live around them . I'm beginning to question all these rules or laws since you posted the IRS thing about laws paying taxes.

  14. So, 738, I could buy and build chicken houses on the old Mall property. That's county.

    1. 8:22 AM Check first to see if it is zoned agriculture. You could apply to change the zoning ordinance, but even if it were changed, the city would not have voting power in the decision. I thought the gist of this article was to trash local municipality’s officials for not packing all the county meetings.
      Town ordinances only allow residents to speak at their town meetings. A property owner who does not live on the property (rents it to others) has no say. The renter can vote in town elections but the property owner cannot. I expect there was no input from voters to town officials on the chicken house rulings, as the voters in municipalities really don’t know or care care what is going on within the towns.

  15. I don't think someone has their facts straight
    The county council has been too little too late.
    Joe, Not against chicken houses but i guarantee not even you would want 13 chicken houses in your back yard. Big difference in two or thirteen.
    Born and raised here they don't offend me. But when you put that many in one area in a already developed area it is definitely not in the best interest of the community. And when concerned folks who have been in their homes for 30 plus years try to address the issue we are bad folks and should move. Sounds just like the PC mainstream media ideals.

    I have attended those meetings and the citizens have only tried to voice concerns based on facts while the powers that be only been concerned with the almighty dollar and not offending DPI. Yes thanks to our leaders it is about the only industry left on the shore, but there are plenty of open spaces not developed where they could and should put them.

  16. OK, let's get something straight here. I own multiple properties in Maryland and Delaware that could be subjected to chicken houses being built. GET THIS, I KNEW what I was getting into when I purchased each and every one of these properties and IF someone builds chicken houses next to my properties, so be it and good for them. In fact, I could even build chicken houses on properties I own.

    That being said, I do understand where some of the complains are coming from. If you do live in a rural and small development that was already in place next to open farm property and someone came in and built multiple chicken houses, it could be disturbing. HOWEVER, do tell me what 100 - 400 feet away from these developments do for you, NOTHING?

    Take towns like Pittsville or Fruitland, (for example) WHY weren't their representatives at these meetings to protect those developments?

    In my honest opinion, (and that's all this is) I think everyone has failed you. That being said, the big property owners will probably start putting their hats in the ring to run for elected positions. Some of you will instantly come out and call them the "Good Ol' Boys" protecting their own interests. WELL, guess what. They'd probably do, (in this case) a far better job protecting your interest then who you have in there now.

    Finally, I think we ALL knew what we were getting into when we purchased our properties. Get involved people.

  17. Our local government is more concerned with self promotion, a popularity contest if you will. As far as allowing poultry farms within 400' of residential homes is asinine. The poultry industry is probably the most corrupt thing going. The have total control of every aspect if growing operations these days and firced all the true hard working mom and pop farmers out because of their house regulations basically telling them they either build these new houses and go and stay in debt or they will not be allowed to grow for them. So let's see they make millions/billions off the chicken, then force people to build new state of the art houses which they finance and make millions off of that tgen the local politicians bow down and lick their boots terrified if they do anything to go against their business practices they will be threatened by these companies of relocating. I personally wouldn't want the pollution from a multiple house farm, the rudiculous smell, the waste and dead birds which attract ridiculous rat problems and every other type of rodent

  18. Joe you would not want the forest next to your lovely home cut down and 8 new chicken houses put in? This is what just happened to Rustic Acres Development. Rustic Acres has been there since 1970's. This new chicken complex just is now happening. There was a large forest around
    the neighbor, so now the farmer has cut down trees that butt up to RA and is adding more chicken houses on top of the 4 large ones he already has. I know how important the industry is, been involved with it all my life, so don't give me no crap to move. I was born and raised on the Eastern Shore, my parents raised chickens. The problem I have is removing forests to put these large complexes up.

  19. Maybe just maybe they ARE DOING what we elected them for.....maybe we do support the chicken industry......ever think of that???? Many of us here on the shore are not PA or NEW JERSEY or BALTIMORE "move ins"!!!!! We know what this industry means to us and our families....many of us are living nicely off the retirement benefits supplied by these companies.....maybe just maybe you are barking up the wrong tree. WE ARE A RURAL (farming) area, if you buy and build next to open farm land BEFORE the process starts ride the area....get a visual of the neighborhood....maybe just maybe you might want to live somewhere else.....I SUPPORT THE POULTRY INDUSTRY!

    1. I am from here and what the poultry industry has become is nothing more than GREED. Your ruining the area with this strong arm farming tatics

  20. poultry may have been and may still be a way of life on the shore, but the amount of pollution generated by these mega farms is untenable. Will go the way of the duck industry on long island many years ago. eventually will be pushed out to more environmentally f'd up areas like N.C. or arkansas.

  21. Town managers are not elected but employees hired by elected officials. But they can influence decisions of others. I was born and raised here. And I believe there should be a limit of chicken houses on agricultural acreage with buffer zones, green areas, etc. I've never minded having poultry houses close by but there were never more than one or two on a property. Now, there are multiple poultry houses being built close together and many times the truck activity is at night, so we have the loud noise from trucks and their lights shining through our windows in the middle of the night. Our family of farmers have been here for generations but it used to be our neighbors only had one, two, or maybe three poultry houses. It's gone too far. It's now all about making more money to buy more stuff rather than just making a living to feed and clothe your family and have a roof over your head. Greed has entered the picture now.

  22. 9:16, fortunately I own all of the forest around my Delmar property AND Willards. These are larger parcels. Now, most/all of the land surrounding me is open farm land.

    That being said, if someone put up chicken houses outside my properties I'd be perfectly fine with that, seriously. In fact, across the street from my Willards property is 6 newer chicken houses.

    Off topic, I have an Uncle who bought a home just off Montrose Road in Montgomery County. He knew when he bought the house there was a proposed paper road redirecting Montrose Road. His original address was Rockville but when they did in fact create the new Montrose Road his address instantly turned into PATOMAC, MD. His property value went through the roof.

    Look, you have the responsibility of KNOWING what and where you are buying property. That is my point here.

    That being said, what about the fact that you can put a trailer ANYWHERE is Delaware and a lot of Maryland Eastern Shore properties as well. Ride some of the back roads in Wicomico County and you'll see massive homes right next to trailers. IT IS WHAT IT IS!

    Finally, what no one seems to be talking about is ALL of the other open land in which chicken poop is spread across the fields, yet you people botch about the chicken houses and stay completely away from the spreading topic. GET A GRIP PEOPLE.

  23. You think Denver from pittsville is going to do anything but collect his health insurance from the taxpayers and hide everything he can you are crazy we can't get clean water or ditches or roadside grass cut all that money gone but nothing happened to him he was signing checks

  24. Joe I'm glad you brought up the whole manure part of this issue. It amazes me that the poultry industry boasts about no chemicals in the feed. This is a flat out lie, I know first hand what goes into the mix at the grain operation. It's nothing but chemically enhanced. How else could they get these birds to grow at such a rate to harvest?? To allow this waste to be spread all over the land is Russian roulette. Maryland has even gone as far as letting treated human waste to be spread on your farmland. Does anyone ever question why the eastern shore has one of the highest rates of cancer? No one even brings this up for fear of retaliation from the industry

  25. I just bought a house on Old Fruitland Rd. Three weeks after closing the chicken farm (which had only 4 houses) suddenly started clearing the land directly across from me. I understand they are putting 8 more houses there. All of Rustic Acres, and the properties along Old Fruitland Rd will be affected by this. But, guess what???? There isnt a thing you can do about it.

  26. It is not the farm families of yester years that is for sure. 1 or 2 houses to help with the family farm income. Now its mega farms 4,8, 12, 16 houses on a complex. Let all of these be built to JA's properties he doesn't seem to mind.

  27. 10:05 ask Larry Dodd about it.

  28. In about ten years when the entire Aquifer in this region is contaminated along with the bay and rivers. I would love to hear what you Chicken Farm loves have to say then?? I was born and raised on the Lower Shore and always had chicken houses around our community. However now I think enough is enough there needs to be a Moratorium put into place for how many houses can be built in each county before it is to late to save this beautiful unique place in which we live

  29. OK Tree Huggers, pack your bags and MOVE then. It was the Liberal Tree Huggers who supported all of the CRAP here on the Shore. The chickens have come home to roost. You elected LIBERAL leaders and now all of a sudden Conservatives, (Hogan/Culver) gets into Office and NOW you're bitching and complaining? Trust me, we're NOT as stupid as you'd like us to think.

  30. Once again RADD(retirees against any development)trying to keep the shore poor as dirt.

  31. Silicon Valley isn't poor and no chicken houses.

  32. Denver Moore was too busy signing checks for his daughter
    so she could rob Pittsville.

  33. Anonymous said...
    I just bought a house on Old Fruitland Rd. Three weeks after closing the chicken farm (which had only 4 houses) suddenly started clearing the land directly across from me. I understand they are putting 8 more houses there. All of Rustic Acres, and the properties along Old Fruitland Rd will be affected by this. But, guess what???? There isnt a thing you can do about it.

    September 1, 2016 at 10:05 AM

    Did you sign on the dotted line that this propery was in the area zoned Ag and there is a "Right to Farm" law.

    So you think you can just move here and and force Wicomico County to change it's way of life just to suit you? Well guess what? Go back to where you came from!

  34. Anonymous said...
    We have so many areas in this county that could have 500 feet or even a 1000 feet. Don't know why they didn't pursue an area like this .

    September 1, 2016 at 7:49 AM

    Did you ask them?

  35. Anonymous said...
    We have zoning laws. All chicken houses must be in agricultural zones. Bars and churches, not so much. When you compare apples to apples there is no problem here. If people don't want to live next to chicken houses they can choose to live in residential zones.

    September 1, 2016 at 7:50 AM


    What does Kathy Phillips, Margo Barnes, Maria Payan, Gabby Cammarata have in common? They are all come heres stirring the pot to get there residents to turn against the chicken industry and many of you people are falling for their crap.

    Kathy Phillips doesn't even live in Wicomico County and she already has a failed law suit agains the Hudson Farm in Berlin and Perdue Farms. You people need to run her out of town.

    Maria Payan doesn't even live in Maryland. She is a Pennsylvania resident who is paid by the tree hugger organizations to get the stupid people like Margart Barnes and Gabby Cammarata riled up to go knocking on neighbors doors handing them flyers with false information and scare tactics. When these idiots come knocking on your doors you should call the police on them for harassing you.

    These Chicken House Haters have recruited many people from Pennsylvania, the Baltimor area and the DC area to get involved in local politics. They claim they are for the farmers, but they are not. They don't want any chicken houses or the Chicken Industry in business. They are a bunch of racist people who want blacks unemployed. They don't want to see any blacks working at Perdue Farms. If Perdue moves it's operations out of Wicomico County this will be one of the poorest counties in the state. Your taxes will be sky high and you won't be able to afford to live here. If you were smart you would send all those chicken haters packing.

    1. Keep thinking that, all the while you will keep losing.

  36. 1:20 it is not about putting houses on open farm land, they removed a forest to put these houses on. Who would have planned for that ?

  37. Mother Nature has a way. How long does it take for that manure puddle to steep the 250 feet or whatever more to get into he aquifer? I don't know I'm just asking you liberal savants. Same thing with climate change. My dog has just as good an idea. In fact, she can sense when there's real storm brewing. Blow out your a$$.

  38. Anonymous said...
    So, 738, I could buy and build chicken houses on the old Mall property. That's county.
    September 1, 2016 at 8:22 AM

    NO IDIOT!! It's not zoned AG!!

  39. Barry quit whining you little cry baby!

  40. Anonymous said...
    I don't think someone has their facts straight
    The county council has been too little too late.
    Joe, Not against chicken houses but i guarantee not even you would want 13 chicken houses in your back yard. Big difference in two or thirteen.
    Born and raised here they don't offend me. But when you put that many in one area in a already developed area it is definitely not in the best interest of the community. And when concerned folks who have been in their homes for 30 plus years try to address the issue we are bad folks and should move. Sounds just like the PC mainstream media ideals.

    I have attended those meetings and the citizens have only tried to voice concerns based on facts while the powers that be only been concerned with the almighty dollar and not offending DPI. Yes thanks to our leaders it is about the only industry left on the shore, but there are plenty of open spaces not developed where they could and should put them.
    September 1, 2016 at 8:23 AM

    Thanks to your leaders it's the only industry left on the shore. Well guess what Dummy that's what you get for being a Democrat and voting Democrat. Now the Republicans have to step up and clean up your messes.

    You are only commenting to scare someone because no one is putting up 13 chicken houses. NO ONE! Go back to your little safe space will you!

  41. Anonymous said...
    Mother Nature has a way. How long does it take for that manure puddle to steep the 250 feet or whatever more to get into he aquifer? I don't know I'm just asking you liberal savants. Same thing with climate change. My dog has just as good an idea. In fact, she can sense when there's real storm brewing. Blow out your a$$.

    September 1, 2016 at 9:54 PM

    I have no idea what you are trying to say, but chicken manure isn't found in "puddles." As a matter of fact it isn't even moist enough to "seep" into any water source. More scare tactics from the EnvironMENTAL Morons!

  42. Those complaining about Rustic Acres, well you development was put right smack in the middle of Agricultural Country. Whether you moved there 30 years ago or 3 years ago it is still right smack in the middle of Ag Country. In case you don't know what that means it means farms and farmers have the right to farm and they always have. If you don't like it then move back into Salisbury and pay their double taxes and deal with the crime. Your choice.

  43. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1:20 it is not about putting houses on open farm land, they removed a forest to put these houses on. Who would have planned for that ?

    September 1, 2016 at 2:47 PM

    Don't know what this is in reference to, but it is still zoned AG and it is still their property. Like people said earlier if you don't like go back to where you came from.

  44. 9:54, about 2 feet of soil makes it drinkable again.

    Try something else...

  45. The people building these new mega complexes are not your local family farmers. Don't worry it will all fail, EPA people will start monitoring local wells and they will be shut down then !!!!

  46. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am from here and what the poultry industry has become is nothing more than GREED. Your ruining the area with this strong arm farming tatics

    September 1, 2016 at 10:15 AM

    You are not from here because people from here don't feel that way about the poultry industry. You are one of those anti-CAFO Homo's that doesn't want chicken houses in your back yard. Well you can certainly move to Church Street in Salisbury. I saw a couple of vacant homes there you can move in.

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't think someone has their facts straight
    The county council has been too little too late.
    Joe, Not against chicken houses but i guarantee not even you would want 13 chicken houses in your back yard. Big difference in two or thirteen.
    Born and raised here they don't offend me. But when you put that many in one area in a already developed area it is definitely not in the best interest of the community. And when concerned folks who have been in their homes for 30 plus years try to address the issue we are bad folks and should move. Sounds just like the PC mainstream media ideals.

    I have attended those meetings and the citizens have only tried to voice concerns based on facts while the powers that be only been concerned with the almighty dollar and not offending DPI. Yes thanks to our leaders it is about the only industry left on the shore, but there are plenty of open spaces not developed where they could and should put them.
    September 1, 2016 at 8:23 AM

    If you are not against chicken houses then WTH are you on here bitching about them for?

  48. Anonymous said...
    Our local government is more concerned with self promotion, a popularity contest if you will. As far as allowing poultry farms within 400' of residential homes is asinine. The poultry industry is probably the most corrupt thing going. The have total control of every aspect if growing operations these days and firced all the true hard working mom and pop farmers out because of their house regulations basically telling them they either build these new houses and go and stay in debt or they will not be allowed to grow for them. So let's see they make millions/billions off the chicken, then force people to build new state of the art houses which they finance and make millions off of that tgen the local politicians bow down and lick their boots terrified if they do anything to go against their business practices they will be threatened by these companies of relocating. I personally wouldn't want the pollution from a multiple house farm, the rudiculous smell, the waste and dead birds which attract ridiculous rat problems and every other type of rodent

    September 1, 2016 at 9:07 AM

    Show me a chicken farm in Wicomico County that pollutes? Show me one with a rediculous smell and one that attracts rats? You have lost your mind you ignorant fool. Please move back to where you came from and let us live in peace.

  49. Anonymous said...
    Once again RADD(retirees against any development)trying to keep the shore poor as dirt.

    September 1, 2016 at 10:56 AM

    But some of them are pissing and moaning because Bob Culver changed their health care benefits on them. They are the punks that run their mouth under anonymous, but don't have the balls to tell Bob that to his face.

  50. Anonymous said...
    The people building these new mega complexes are not your local family farmers. Don't worry it will all fail, EPA people will start monitoring local wells and they will be shut down then !!!!

    September 2, 2016 at 11:26 AM

    If the local wells are failing it is because you and your familily are flushing your poop and urine directly in the ground every time you flush your toilets and that is multiple times a day. Guess how much chicken manure goes into the ground???? NONE!! It is scooped up and taken away and burnt for energy or it is spread on farms appropriately using best practices such as a nutrient management plan. It is fertilizer for the vegetables you have been eating for years. These people complaining flush their turds and pee directly into the soil and it leeches into everyone's drinking water. It's a fact that they don't want to tell you.

  51. Oh please. The chicken industry is the #1 cause of the area's blight and poverty and to say otherwise only means you are uninformed and just plain old ignorant. ANY area in the country that's been home to factory farming hasn't prospered and that is a FACT whether you like it or not. It's only regressed into a wasteland and poverty. The majority of jobs it creates pay very low wages. This causes the property values to decrease and an area becomes overwhelmingly rentals. This is a FACT. No one will ever see any major employers who pay living wages come to this area. Now a days they are environmentally conscious. The industry sucks off the taxpayer in the form of grants and other freebies offered to the growers. This causes higher taxes and more fees and less spent on other things. There is nothing good about the industry and again to say otherwise only shows ignorance.

  52. Anonymous said...
    I just bought a house on Old Fruitland Rd. Three weeks after closing the chicken farm (which had only 4 houses) suddenly started clearing the land directly across from me. I understand they are putting 8 more houses there. All of Rustic Acres, and the properties along Old Fruitland Rd will be affected by this. But, guess what???? There isnt a thing you can do about it.

    September 1, 2016 at 10:05 AM

    Guess what?? You shouldn't have bought your house next to a chicken farm in the first place you dumb ignorant moron. The chicken farm was their first and you want them to change their way of life because you live there now. Too F'n Bad!! Please go back to where you came from because we don't want you here!!

  53. Chicken farmers are in the same class as welfare kings and queens. They do nothing more then suck off the government and if they had any decency about them their heads would be dragging the ground in shame. They get money for manure sheds, cement pads cover crops and other freebies. To even call yourselves farmers is a lie and they do a disservice to real farmers. They ought to be ashamed of what they have allowed themselves to become. You don't even own your major commodity the chicken. That's no way to do business. Fools all of them for falling for the trap. You've sold yourselves and your own children's futures and it's disgusting. You've turned the area into a toxic waste dump and you should be ashamed. The dumb ignorant morons are the so called farmers who fell for the line. People are moving don't worry about that. This area will become more and more blighted. To think otherwise is foolish. Instead of preserving the land for their own children and increasing it's value they have ruined it. What kind of parent is that!!!!

  54. I love chicken I eat it 4 times a week

  55. These are industrial operations. You can not call it farming when it hits the type of operations we are seeing. Some of these plants if you will are over major water sources. Also when a person buys property in Wicomico County with the intent to build a nice home and raise a family they should also have rights. The Council and Bob sold the people out on this one. Funny they Blasted Pollit over the solar deal and then they turn around and do the same crap. My family should not have to breathe the foul stench of 8 mega chicken house. I should not have to buy bottled water because the ground water is full of nitrates. People this is not farming so do not call it agriculture. It is industrial. The sad part is they do taste soooooooooooo good.

  56. Guess what people I grew up in the country what used to be called Siloam is now Riverside Drive Extended. We used to have a chicken farm across the road from us, and all over down there it was mostly farm land. It is a lot better than living in the city of Salisbury which I have done for the last 47 years. Houses that are packed with people they increase every day I would say some have 12-15 people in those homes 7-8 vehicles per house and down the side streets are full. The front yards are parking lots, same for the side yards and back yards. Does the city do anything to check what is going on NO. Give me the chickens any day.

  57. 8:37am You make no sense at all. Retirees are punks? The retirees are people who have devoted their lives to this county and the people who live here. There have been many who have voiced their concerns about their health benefits to Bob Culver directly. There will be many more when he changes the health benefits for everyone who works for the county. That's happening next year, so hold onto your boots and see the revolt when that happens. Tic-Toc You are toast Bob.

  58. 4:19 that move was underway before Culver took office. If you are a retiree you should have known this was coming. I am in no way happy about it. The fact is it started under Rick. I think Stausburg has a role in this he is the common denominator under both Admins. I have said this all along you do not balance the county budget on the backs of dedicated present and past county employees. It is hard enough to survive on a county pension. We really need tough leadership at a national and local level that keep their word. I am speaking mainly to the Council. Get your heads in the game people.

  59. People are foolish to believe that the Poultry Industry is actually helping those in our area, only exceptions are the big wigs at corporate. The labor on the assembly lines is just a step above slave labor. Worked in a chicken processing plant for many years as a supervisor. The big bosses just wanted production at all costs. No respect for the human beings on the line.


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