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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

“Labor of Love” Banquet

The Eastern Shore Pregnancy Center will host their annual “Labor of Love” fundraising banquet on Thursday, October 20, at 7 p.m. at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center in Salisbury, MD. The theme will be "Rescue the Next Generation," and features author, speaker, and spiritual leader, Barbara Peacock, from Providence Ministries in Charlotte, NC, as the keynote speaker.

The Pregnancy Center is a small, yet, vital, local community resource in Salisbury, which provides unconditional support to anyone facing the challenges of an unintended pregnancy. Since 1982, the center has been helping women, men, and their families, with all services provided free of charge. Services include pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, young moms' support group, baby and maternity supplies, and post-abortion recovery.

Reservations are being accepted now until Friday, October 7 for the banquet.
Come experience an uplifting, empowering evening and help the most vulnerable among us.

If you would like to attend, be a table host or a church liaison for this event, please call the Eastern Shore Pregnancy Center at 410-546-5433.