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Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Kathleen Willey: I Overheard WH Staff Teaching Hillary Her ‘I Don’t Recall’ Defense

Kathleen Willey, a White House aide during the Clinton administration, stated during a radio interview on Sunday night that she personally heard the White House Counsel advise Hillary Clinton twenty-two years ago to tell government investigators she could not recall events related to numerous scandals that were being probed at the time.

Willey in 1993 served as a volunteer aid working in the White House mail room and later in the social office. In early 1994, she took a paid position in the White House counsel’s office, and it is there, she says, that she overheard the directive to Hillary.

Willey, of course, would later become ensnared in the Paula Jones lawsuit at the Monica Lewinsky fiasco after Willey famously accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault.

In 1994, at the height of numerous scandals, including Whitewater, File-gate and others, Willey says Hillary Clinton and White House Counsel Bernie Nussbaum were speaking in a room with the door open, when she says she heard Nussbaum shout at Clinton that she should tell investigators she could not recall events.

Stated Willey:

“The first time I heard it I thought, wow! And I heard Bernie Nussbaum talking very loudly. To Hillary. And basically said, ‘For Christ’s sake, Hillary. All you have to say is you don’t recall. You don’t remember anything. Nobody can argue with that.’”

More here


  1. Same thing the general did during his senate hearings. I don't recal. Good lawyer always tells his clients to say I DONT RECALL. Clinton is blaming trump for the hacks but refuses to comment on the crimes the hackers found!! I want to know how sh forgot she had 13 cell phones.

  2. I was going to leave a comment but I don't recall what it was.


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