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Sunday, September 04, 2016

JUST IN: Hogan To Sign Executive Order To Require Schools To Start After Labor Day

Governor Hogan is in Ocean City today to announce that he will be signing an executive order to have schools start after Labor Day. Schools are also to close before June 15th

Ocean City Mayor Meehan "Let summer be summer" 

Congratulations to Senator Mathias who is expecting his first grandchild.  He also will be celebrating his 65th birthday this Friday.


  1. ummmm what about snow days and the 180 days required attendance?
    things dont always work out perfectly

    but then again i am in favor of year round school

  2. That's nice.Everybody makes after the fact decisions and then expects an applause.All of us knew schools should start after Labor Day but They're just now realizing it.Duh!!

  3. Let me know when he is going to endorse Trump. Then I will care.

  4. Right on, Gov. Hogan.

    134-Group think is a bad thing.

  5. When he endorses year round school, I'll pay attention and listen, otherwise don't care.

  6. Can Mathias get any closer?

  7. Of course now they'll be going to school until the end of June. You know they won't cut down the days off.

  8. So he waits to announce it AFTER school starts.No wonder other countries laugh at us.

  9. 2:09, NOT TRUE! We published school will end June 15th, period.

  10. MD Department of Education website COMAR 13A.09.09.10B states the school calendar shall provide at least 170 days for implementation of its educational program and 3-5 days for weather. Who keeps coming up with this 180 days of school?

    Less wasted teacher conference days and Christmas vacation days and MD can get in the 170 days.

  11. This is how it should be. I wish he would have ended the school year on Memorial Day weekend but June 15th is better than nothing. For those of you wishing for year round school.....I just don't get it. Children need time off and so do parents. The public school system is so awful that the dumbing down of our children would be spread over 12 months instead of 9 months. If you are concerned about your child's education then you are certainly welcome to supplement over the summer months and throughout the school year.

  12. In after Labor Day, out by Memorial Day, school days from 8:00 - 4:30, 30 minute lunches. Problem solved. (Excepting pre-K and K)

  13. It used to be this way. Never should have changed.

  14. Because of my direct knowledge of the poor quality of public education, and my realization that most of the material is indoctrination into the police state, I suggest that much fewer than 170 days be encouraged.
    School is terrible for young children.
    Get them out of there and out into nature.
    Let them see the world and experience nature first hand.
    Allow them to interact at the playground, on ball fields, and at swimming pools.
    Let the children be free!
    Freedom really is free.

  15. Proponents of year round school are just people that think school is supposed to be year round daycare for their kids. And I bet NONE of them went to school year round when they were growing up!

  16. Representative Jim Mathias is a failure - and has taken the eastern shore down a pathway to economic destruction.

    Just ask the major township residents of people in his District. Sprinkler ordinance - has all but condemned the minorities who will now be destined to highly populated subsidized housing. And how about his stance in trying to keep Wicomico from having an elected school board - yet Worcester has one.

    He is BAD NEWS for the eastern shore - period.


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