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Saturday, September 17, 2016

JUST IN: Device Explodes at Marine Race on Jersey Shore: Police

A device exploded in Seaside Park, New Jersey, Saturday morning as about 5,000 people were set to run a 5k Marine charity race and police are investigating another suspicious package in the shore town, authorities said.

The explosive device went off in a garbage can on D Street at about 9:30 a.m., police said.

No one was injured in the blast, according to the Ocean County prosecutor's office.

The third annual Marine Semper Fi 5k race to benefit the MARSOC Foundation was expected to start at about 9 a.m., but was delayed because of late sign-ins, authorities said.



  1. Someone puts a firecracker in the trash and it cancels a marathon, gets the bomb squad called, and makes national news. How pathetic.

    1. You sound like you planted it

  2. 2:50 it actually blew the trash can up and it's only a 5k, 3.1 miles. A marathon is 26.2.


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