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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

IRS to target 20 million Americans who didn’t buy Obamacare

'Government is particularly interested in compliance from healthy young people'

Are you one of 20 million uninsured Americans who hasn’t signed up for Obamacare?

Then you might be getting a note from the IRS this year “suggesting” you enroll.

“Getting a letter from the IRS can be a threatening and nerve-racking experience; it seldom is seen as a suggestion and more of a threat,” Galen Institute President Grace-Marie Turner wrote in a Forbes column Wednesday.

The IRS is reportedly “reaching out” to Americans who claimed an exemption or chose to pay the tax penalty for not purchasing mandatory health insurance. The ploy is intended to “attract”
Obamacare enrollees.


  1. The US government is a totalitarian regime.
    It seeks to dominate our lives.

  2. Hmm, I am dumping it starting next year. I get no subsidy and I can not afford it. I will pay the penalty...

  3. The aim is to suck dollars out of a slice of the population that has little use for a health plan and can ill afford it.

  4. Using the IRS for political goals?

    This group of criminals needs hanging.

    Keep cheering.

  5. This is one reason the millennials should get on board the Trump train!

  6. IRS lacks the resources to do simple audits on taxes. This will not happen.

  7. Redistribution of wealth!! It is simple!


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