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Sunday, September 04, 2016

Incredible Dog Abuse By Baltimore Police: WARNING, This Is Very Difficult To Watch, Foul Language


  1. wow, find it hard to believe this dog is his partner. Most k-9 dogs are very well trained. this one definately is not. and he has no idea on how to make it listen. abusing it is not the way. typical thug kop! hope he gets his ass kicked!
    by the way my bird dog listens extremely well and follows every command and I have never had to lay a hand on her!

  2. He should be charged with abuse of a police officer.

  3. And there was someone else telling him this was the way to train this dog. They should both go to jail. This is NOT how a dog is trained. I don't care where you are from or what you are trying to teach the dog to do--this is NOT the way to do it. Both of these jerks need to be charged with animal cruelty. I wish the freaking had turned on him and bit the shit out of him but I'm sure then they would have just shot the dog. POS.

  4. 5:17 you never lay a hand on a dog regardless if they listen or not. Let see you put your hand on someone a little bigger and watch the outcome.

  5. My only hope is that one day someone on the street will throw around this guy exactly like he is doing this dog. Poor dog, too damn bad the dog didn't tear him apart.

  6. That's how they train then they have to display dominance over the dog ,If they don't do it then the dog is not trainable...and the dog is not hurt in anyway....Bunch of Nancy's.

  7. Bull S*** 8:36 I have trained many dogs and this isn't the way it is done. You do not have to be abusive to any animal to train it period. I thought that the K-9's were considered police officers. So why isn't this officer in jail for assaulting an officer???

  8. He should be jailed for animal abuse and the one telling him what to do should never be allowed around animals/dogs. Both belong in jail!

  9. I can't watch this.

  10. 8:36 AM, you are full of it - you do not train dogs like this - well maybe you do, and if so, I hope one bites you and tears you up.

  11. Slamming the dog was unacceptable. That has nothing to do with showing domination over a dog.

  12. Maybe this is done to make the dog more vicious against the citizens?

  13. I hope to God the dog is taken from
    this Jerk----and that he's charged
    with harming a cop!.
    Makes me sick to think they put these
    animals in harms way everyday and to
    think he'd get by with treating this
    animal like he did is heart wrenching.
    People need to stand up for Animal
    rights more to help get better Laws to
    protect Them!!!!!
    The B-----d will get off----bet your
    life on it!

  14. Please put both these officers in jail, and never allow them back on any police force again. I hope thugs get them both with their own medicine.

  15. I have a Chow Chow which is suppose to be one of the most aggressive and hardest to train and not once have i had to strike that dog and she is well trained through praise and treats. She would have torn him a new one if he tried that on her, me as well. That is not how you earn a dogs trust and loyalty. That dog will fail him at some point for treating it like that. They are considered officers and if anyone had done that they would face assaulting an officer charge as he should along with other charges!

  16. Nancy's? you dont have to abuse a dog to teach it who is in charge or to find it out if it's trainable. Idiot!!

  17. You have not been the one training the dog and do not now the situation. Sorry but that is dog training. Not all dogs need it, but some do. They are no different than people and sometimes it takes more to get thru to some. These dogs are not being trained to sit while you put a cookie on his nose. They train for life and death situations and must comply with commands unconditionally. You could fiddle fart with light corrections, but in the end the dogs life or the officers life could be at stake. You have not been the one training the dog and do not now the situation. Not to mention it is tax payers time and money they are using. It is better for the dog, taxpayer, and the officer to get to the point, make the proper(eye of the trainer) correction.

  18. If he does this to his dog what do you think he will do to people? He is nothing but a bully a$$. (map)

  19. Have watched trainers many times doing Schutzhund training with Rottweilers. They never had to slam the dogs to the ground. Maybe this dog needs a COMPETENT trainer.

  20. I train dogs and never had to beat, throw, or hurt them in any way to get their attention in order to train them. They learn by repetition, reward. They learn voice and hand commands. I have also trained dogs in various languages when needed and the dogs were headed for life and death situations. These so-called police officers are totally wrong in their joint approach and both should be severely reprimanded. The dog deserves to be put with a QUALIFIED, CERTIFIED trainer immediately for its' protection.

    Training any animal requires a great deal of patience and it is obvious these cops have none.

  21. 1:56 - Go blow that smoke somewhere else. Treating an animal like this makes them more scared of them. This is a totally wrong way to train and both the police officer and instructor should be fired. A dog will save you from everything if you treat them fairly, with respect and love. Someone should do this to the officer and trainer, and then they can tell you how angry that made them and how much they hate the person that done it to them and would never back them up. Animals are far more smarter than some people give them credit for.

  22. Looks bad, but here is what was occurring.
    They were doing firearms training, getting the dog used to working around guns. The cop held a gun and began giving orders to a "bad guy". The dog bites the cop every time he grabs the gun. That dog believes that he is the boss, and can do what he wants. If that dog gets his way, and somebody could die because the cop can't draw his gun, or the cop can get control of the dog. This obviously happened in the early 90's by the looks of the clothes, car, and video quality.


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