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Saturday, September 17, 2016


While I have seen thousands of Trump signs just about everywhere, this is the very first Hillary sign I have EVER seen. I have a friend who had a 4 x 8 Trump sign in front of his shopping center and someone stole it. After inquiring about it I was informed this is happening everywhere. Trail cams are flying off the shelves to catch these Liberal thieves. They will be prosecuted. 


  1. Ironically at first look I thought it was a Hospital sign.

  2. I had an expensive Trump sign stolen from my yard last week. Living directly across from a voting location must have been quite unnerving to Democrats. However those kinds of actions are typical of the Democratic mentality. They will lie, cheat and steal in order to win. Another descriptive word for someone who steals a competitors yard sign is COWARD. Sad thing is that your children will become cowards as well.

  3. I travel to the Midwest quite a bit and see Trump signs everywhere. One Gary Johnson and one Hillary. And a couple "Hillary for Prison" signs.

  4. 10:32
    I did too! I have yet to see one while driving around.

  5. We don't put them up because the type of person who follows Trump is likely to shoot up our house.

  6. I saw my first Hillary sign this morning and then about 5 doors down there was a Hillary for Prison sign...lots of Trump signs on my side of town.

  7. I know exactly where this sign is. It's in my neighborhood. It is the only one I have seen on the shore.

  8. My neighbor has the only one I have seen with a crooked Van Holland beside it. They are up by his house so you really have to look. That tells me how proud he is in displaying it. Me and another neighbor has trump signs out but near the road so you can't miss them.

  9. I mentioned it elsewhere on here but will again. We were in N VA Mon-Tues and not one Clinton sign did we see. We saw 2 Trump signs though. VA which a few weeks ago was likely Clinton been taken from within her grasp to now a swing state.

  10. Where can I buy a shirt?

  11. Not real.
    Not of this earth.
    Pigs can't fly.

    TRUMP 2016!

  12. The more popular thing I've seen is tearing off the T in Trump on Trump signs. I've seen several like that


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