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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

"How Is This Not Classified?"- Obama Used A Pseudonym In Emails With Hillary, FBI Data Dump Reveals

Following Ted Cruz's endorsement of Donald Trump and president Obama's veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, aka the "Sept 11" bill allowing victims to sue Saudi Arabia in US court, the trifecta of Friday afternoon data dumps was completed by the FBI, when the agency released 189 pages of notes from its investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server, just three days before she squares off against Donald Trump in the first presidential debate.

The notes are from FBI's interviews with some of Clinton’s closest aides, such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills; senior State Department officials; and Marcel Lazar, also known as the Romanian hacker “Guccifer." A summary of the interviews had been released in the overall FBI report. Politically, Friday's release helps keep the issue relevant before Trump and Hillary hit the debate stage on Monday in what is set to be the most watched presidential debate in history with some 100 million expected to watch. The release also came hours after news that top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills had obtained a limited immunity deal from the FBI in order to cooperate with its investigation.

Much of the released information had already been made public. One notable exchange from the FBI's June 7, 2016 interview with "Guccifer" supposedly confirms FBI Director Comey's claim that Lazar falsely asserted to Fox News that he'd accessed Clinton's server. "Lazar began by stating that he had never claimed to hack the Clinton server. [An FBI agent] then advised that Fox News had recently published an article which reported that Lazar had claimed to have to Clinton server. Lazar then stated that he recalled the interview with Fox News, and that he had lied to them about hacking the Clinton server." It remains unclear why he would have lied.



  1. Trump could have taken advantage of this subject last night but didn't. When Hillary remarked that the justice system needed an overhaul, Trump could've revealed to all (who wouldn't see this story) that the corrupt justice system benefited her in allowing immunity deals with key witnesses in her e-mail scandal. Unheard of because of the key players they were. They should all be in jail!

  2. Because he said so. We all know O dose not lie so this must be true. I wanted some much for Trump to tear her a new one. Sorry he didn't. But love that he took the road. Just not sure that is the way to the white house. If you go up against evil you can not be nice. She is evil. (map)


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