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Friday, September 16, 2016

Honest To God, I Just Got This From The Liberals: "we’re BEGGING you"

“Undecided voters started moving to Trump”
-Washington Post

This isn’t what we hoped for. At all.

With Trump becoming the favorite, we expected an outpouring of grassroots support to defeat him.

But instead, we’re falling further and further behind… even after top leaders like Michelle Obama and Joe Biden pleaded with you.

We’re worried sick. Undecided voters are breaking for Trump this week.

If grassroots supporters can’t pick us up during this low point, it could become impossible to beat Trump and the Republican Majority.

We’re begging you. Can you help before midnight?


  1. Absolutely not. But thanks for asking.

  2. Ok ok ok I will help.....TRUMP WIN !!!! Big Mike

  3. Let the Clinton foundation handle this!!!

  4. Sure, I have a can of beans I can give you!

  5. Trump will win , but Hillary or obama will be president. Fools of America .

  6. The arrogance and the stupidity of the Democratic party is still present. However worse than that are the folks that still will vote for them.

  7. "We’re begging you. Can you help before midnight?"

    Help you with what? If it's money get it from your fat cat donors you pig.

  8. Haven't they figured out yet we not only hate Hillary we hate Obama, Michelle and Biden too. They are not heavy leaders they are a POS. Untrustworthy, liars and thief's.

  9. Get up off your knees and be a real Party!

  10. Why don't you ever think of the obvious? Put up a candidate who is honestly wanting to support the People, the Constitution, and American values?

    Why is everything you do and say based on lies? You know we can see that, don't you?

    I guess not. You actually think you can pull the wool over our eyes after having been caught lying at 100% everything you've said for 30+ years. And you want us to believe the next words out of your mouths.

    What idiots.

  11. I think the devil is calling in his dues.

  12. Michelle is no leader, not one that anyone should follow.


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