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Monday, September 05, 2016

Hillary Clinton didn’t press countries to take back their criminal aliens

Jean Jacques was fresh out of prison for attempted murder in 2012, and immigration agents wanted to deport him back home to Haiti — but the island nation’s government refused to take him back, saying it couldn’t be sure Jacques was who he claimed to be.

At that point U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement should have enlisted the State Department, then run by Secretary Hillary Clinton, to get involved and put pressure on Haiti, but agents didn’t do that. They would later explain to investigators they’d learned from experience that the State Department didn’t get involved in cases as low-level as Jacques‘ attempted murder.

Several years, and repeated failed deportation attempts later, Jacques killed a 25-year-old Connecticut woman, Casey Chadwick, stabbing her to death in a drug dispute with her boyfriend, prosecutors said.

He is one of thousands of criminal immigrants who went free during Mrs. Clinton’s time in office, released from custody because their home countries wouldn’t take them back.

This week GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump laid the death of Chadwick and others squarely at the feet of Mrs. Clinton, accusing her of failing American families by not using the tools she had to force other countries to comply, such as halting the issuance of U.S. visas to their own citizens.



  1. Had she pressed Haiti for anything, the truth would come out about where the money went for Haiti's relief, the relief that was managed by her husband, Bill Clinton, the relief money that has essentially disappeared.

  2. Our "leaders".
    SO concerned for the safety and welfare of criminals. And not even United States criminals.
    Someone should ask her where on her list of priorties does the AMERICAN citizen fall?
    She probably can't remember that, either.
    Keep cheering.


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