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Monday, September 05, 2016

Hiding Hillary Day 273: Fallout from the FBI Release

It has now been 273 days since Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton held a press conference.

#HidingHillary has been avoiding unscripted questions and appearances that aren’t carefully controlled by her campaign. Yesterday’s release of information by the FBI on their investigation into her use of a private email server and handling of classified information while she served as Secretary of State has raised many questions.

The FBI file revealed that Clinton claimed she didn’t know that [C] meant classified, that she couldn’t remember things because of a concussion, that she lost cellphones and a computer with sensitive information, and that she broke protocol by emailing President Obama directly while overseas, exposing the president’s email to hackers, to name just a few.

Today the Trump campaign released their “question of the day” for Hiding Hillary.

“Secretary Clinton, why did one of your staffers delete all archives of your emails several weeks after The New York Times reported on your private email system and after you were subpoenaed to preserve all documentation?” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor



  1. GUARANTEED that question will NOT be asked by ANY moderator in the debates.
    I'm taking any and all bets.

    Keep cheering.

  2. Can we all imagine how "scripted" the "debates" will be? This will be the most colossal handfock the Nation will ever see! I'll not watch for anything other than watching idiocy, and will vote Trump as 90% of us will be doing. Call me a liar!

  3. Had a press gaggle today, could not stop coughing.


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