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Sunday, September 04, 2016

Gov. Hogan Expected To Mandate Md. School Year Begin After Labor Day

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Governor Larry Hogan is expected to mandate this week that Maryland schools open after Labor Day in future school years.

This year, students in 24 out of 25 districts have already reported to their first day of class.

Worcester County is the only Maryland district with a post-Labor Day start. It houses one of the state’s biggest vacation spots, Ocean City.

That’s where Hogan will be joined by Comptroller Peter Franchot at a press conference scheduled for 1 p.m. Wednesday.

Franchot has been outspoken in his support for a post-Labor Day start date for two years, since an economic impact report showed it’s worth more than $74 million to the economy.



  1. It's about time!!

  2. Dorchester starts aug 24.

  3. Yeah, cant make it about families spending time together enjoying life.......gotta be about the money, all that tax money you could get your greedy hands on.....putrid thugs!!

  4. This is a pointless exercise. When I was in school it was always policy that school started late because we are a resort and students were working over the summer. The kids don't work anymore and the businesses don't hire them. Only money launderers can afford the rents in that town anyway and it will never change because the politicians are the land owners collecting the rent.

  5. $74M - that's all? Heck, MD houses 2 NFL teams (Ravens and Skins); MLB O's and how many casino's? A pro players salary could easily make up that $74M....just sayin if it was really all about the Benjamins...

    How bout starting school after labor day because it just makes simple sense?

    1. Your obviosly not a tax payer / home owner.

  6. I don't have a problem with it as long as they consider ending by Memorial Day. MD needs to get onboard with other states and count the hours that kids are in school and not go by 180 days.

  7. Never should have been changed

  8. The school year should run from the day after Labor Day until Memorial Day. NOTHING productive is done in June. Also get rid of teacher workdays and give real vacations. Teachers work days are nonsense.

  9. Anonymous said...
    $74M - that's all? Heck, MD houses 2 NFL teams (Ravens and Skins); MLB O's and how many casino's? A pro players salary could easily make up that $74M....just sayin if it was really all about the Benjamins...

    How bout starting school after labor day because it just makes simple sense?

    August 29, 2016 at 8:27 PM

    You don't make sense.

  10. Anonymous said...
    I don't have a problem with it as long as they consider ending by Memorial Day. MD needs to get onboard with other states and count the hours that kids are in school and not go by 180 days.

    August 29, 2016 at 9:18 PM

    They do count the hours and that is how they get the 180 days. Then can also do what private schools do, go 170 days.

    I do get your point though, they can add more time on the day and make kids go longer. My kids are done by 2:45pm. Why not make it a longer day so that we don't have to get a someone to watch them every day.

  11. Anonymous said...
    The school year should run from the day after Labor Day until Memorial Day. NOTHING productive is done in June. Also get rid of teacher workdays and give real vacations. Teachers work days are nonsense.

    August 29, 2016 at 10:14 PM

    I believe when I was in school in the 1970's we got out for Memorial day and didn't go back until after Labor Day. If it worked then, it can work now.

  12. I agree with those that say if we begin after Labor Day we should end by Memorial Day. The only reason why they want other counties to start after Labor Day is so that Ocean City or Worcester County can make more money with people on vacation and the students that work in Worcester County that live in surrounding counties can keep working for Worcester County to make more money. If this is the case then if a worker lives outside of Worcester County and we don't start till after Labor Day then Worcester should give that county some of the money they make from that student working for them. Worcester County makes all the money but the other counties are penalized by making other counties starting school the same time that Worcester. Give each county some of that money you make towards their school systems.

  13. 8:25
    Kids couldn't work if they wanted to at the beach. The Russians have all the jobs and the crime bosses see to it that it stays that way.

    Few work the fields anymore all the hatians have those jobs and come in from Florida by the bus loads.

  14. The school schedule is about CONTROL of the children and the DESTRUCTION of the family.


  15. Reference to Pro Sports/Casinos - folks (taxpayers) are willing to spend their discretionary money on entertainment. Entertainment (i.e,) then spends that revenue money on players...millions upon millions in contracts that are discussed by the entertainment industry (sports, radio, newspaper). This lavish entertainment lifestyle is then mixed in with real life circumstances (local/state/Fed Gov't matters) - and we watch as Gov't has difficulty managing our tax dollars to spend on NEEDS like schools, public service jobs (police, first responders), etc.

    I would hypothesize that the previous commenter was attempting a correlation of everyday woe's of gov't with entertainment, noting that citizens have no problems with the large sums of money spent on entertainment and then the challenges/bickering of gov't funding shortfalls.

    Poor correlation, but an interesting thought/topic regarding society and proper/improper discretionary spending for another time....

    With that, back outside to my hammock - enjoying this nice/FREE weather!

  16. What ever happen to summer break being 3 full months let kids be kids for a while they have the rest of their adult lives to be under pressure. They need a break its easy to get burnt out on school work which leads to poor work ethic. Some of you have probably forgotten what it's like to be a kid.


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