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Saturday, September 10, 2016

GOP lawmaker: People 'would be absolutely appalled' by remaining FBI docs

Rep. Steve Russell, R-Okla., said Thursday that the undisclosed records recovered and produced by the FBI during its year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton's private server are much more shocking than the summary report released last week.

"If what I've read in the vaults about Secretary Clinton's mishandling of classified information were known to the American people, as I've been to the vaults to peruse them, the American public would be absolutely appalled," Russell said during a House Oversight Committee hearing on the State Department's treatment of records requests.

"But we can't talk about that," he said, noting many details surrounding Clinton's email server remain highly classified.

"Instead of focusing on this mishandling and its subsequent obfuscation ... we are now seeing a typical play: admit nothing, deny everything and make counteraccusation," Russell added.



  1. "Instead of focusing on this mishandling and its subsequent obfuscation ... we are now seeing a typical play: admit nothing, deny everything and make counteraccusation," Russell added.

    That's just typical demoncrat behavior. They accuse others of the very things dems are doing so it makes it seem like it's not so bad. snakes in the grass.

  2. The Clinton's have lied soooooooooo much, that they have forgotten how to be truthful IF they ever were and I truly doubt that.

    People need to start thinking back to what Trump has pointed out and it all was true. The democrats and the Clinton mob want to point fingers at Trump so the public gets so confused they won't notice just how truthful Trump really is.

    The FBI failed to do their due diligence in the Clinton case and played politics instead. Mr. Comey has let honest, decent, law-abiding citizens down by protecting the Clinton's. And I thought he was above the being corrupted.


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