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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ford moving all US small-car production to Mexico

Ford Motor Co. on Wednesday announced it is shifting all of its North American small-car production from the U.S. to Mexico.

“Over the next two to three years, we will have migrated all of our small-car production to Mexico and out of the United States,” CEO Mark Fields told investors in Dearborn, Mich., according to The Detroit Free Press.

Ford pledged earlier this year it would invest $1.6 billion in small-car production in Mexico.

Fox Business Network said the automaker has made record pretax profit over the past 18 months, with the company on pace to bring in $10.2 billion in 2016.

Ford expects profits to decline next year as it invests in vehicle development, it said, but hopes to improve its financial results by 2018.



  1. "...record profits..in the last 18 months"....
    Which is still NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
    let's see.....keep Americans employed and do no better than "record profits" OR
    Close the factories and spend a BILLION DOLLARS (plus) employing MEXICANS and making even MORE money.
    If American companies weren't moving to Mexico like the USA was on fire, that third world cesspool wouldn't have ANY jobs (not legal ones anyway).
    Keep cheering.
    And stop buying Ford products.

  2. So...you dont take the big bail-out scam....Americans stop buying from those that did and show appreciation to your company and product giving you record sales since. Now your going to throw American jobs , people and families to the curb so you can turn an even bigger profit? wow...

  3. A simple tariff can solve this. That said, there should be NO union based reactions. We don't want to pay inflated costs because some union demands it. Ford it the inventor so that is who we should focus on helping.

  4. Thank you, Democrats and spineless RINO's! Time to stop digging!!!!!

  5. Dear Ford Motor company, we don't like your plans to move to Mexican, but we do understand that with the unions on your back you may not have had a choice .

  6. I don't own a ford....and now I will never buy one....

  7. 5:04.....read the article again.
    Record profits.
    Was THAT the union's fault, too?

  8. Take the unions away and they stay, thats simple, a companys obligation is the maximize returns for there investors, you think there is one guy getting all the record income , no sorry , also how much of that record income comes , is given to the greedy bloated government, Mexico will get its peice of the pie when they move , but it will be at drop in the bucket compared to the United States taxation rate.

  9. Trump trump trump.
    Are the unions still voting Dem ?

  10. Disappointed in ford

  11. 6:06....sorry.
    Take the unions away and the Ford family buys another island and another private jet, while cutting wages, benefits , and hours of their workers.
    And if you think that Ford will LOWER THE PRICE of their vehicles because of the tremendous savings in labor costs, you should stop drinking so much.
    Profits, by the way, are figured AFTER paying the greedy bloated government. Thats why they are called "profits".
    ANOTHER big comapny saying goodbye to the USA. How is obama going to continue to explain that away?? Answer: by letting hillary tells us she will be another obama term.
    Keep cheering.

    1. Yeah union wages and union benefits, aka blood suckers that is why Mexico is taking the jobs.they deserve some perks for creating a company that give jobs and creates revenue.

    2. Stop drinking? The union is a pipe dream in a global economy with ununionized country's kicking the a## off of us, we want inexpensive cars yet a guy bolting a seat in a car makes 30+ dollars and hour , it doesn't add up .The only way to keep paying this amount per hour is to devalue the currency, AKA print more money then you have a pocket full of charmin poo paper not a valuable dollar. Utopia is a dream , all in life is not fair take off your union made rose colored glasses and look at reality.

  12. How long before the cartel finds a way to use this as a smuggling tool???

  13. 7:35 They probably have already found a way.

    We were looking at buying a new Ford. Now I'm not so sure I want to and if we don't what other options are there. GM is definitely out of the question for many reasons.

  14. If you Listen very carefully you can hear that sucking sound going south.

  15. @8:01 I'm with you on that one!!! I never was a ford enthusiast until after all the bailout nonsense then supported them for not taking the money only for this now!! Not many options left

  16. Won't be buying ford now

  17. When I start shopping for a new or used car or truck, it won't be Ford. At least Nissan, Honda, and Toyota manufacture here in the U.S. I stopped buying Ford since 1985 because of quality issues with my 85 Tbird. Less than 6 months old and the cruise control failed and Ford would not honor service contract or repairs.

  18. Record Profit in the past 18 months with the Union...dont blame them!!

  19. Ford will be paying for that soon!

  20. yep if they see a way to not expose their crime and corruption!


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