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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Fears, jeers and some cheers for mileage usage fee

DOVER – Pay the state for each mile driven on Delaware’s roadways?

How does that sound?

Before jumping to conclusions about a system that could replace the current gas tax paid at the pump, at least listen to the reasons for it.

That’s according to Oregon Department of Transportation spokeswoman Michelle Godfrey, who said she typically needs just a couple minutes to convince someone of the merits of her state’s ongoing pilot program.

“Once they’ve learned a little bit more about it, they start to come around,” Ms. Godfrey said.

On Tuesday, the Delaware Department of Transportation announced that the state applied for and received a $1.49 million federal grant to analyze and test all facets of a road usage fee system.

Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Vermont will also launch programs as part of the I-95 Corridor Coalition.



  1. This stupid idea needs to be nipped at the bud!

  2. Another tax and don't think for a minute that they will remove ALL of the taxes on fuel when they start pay by the mile.

  3. It is truly amazing how far the government will go to track us and rob us and then tell us they're doing it for our own good.

  4. yup and they will eventually use it to track you. of course they will lie and say that would never happen but they'll change it at some point in time and you'll just be another data byte. the funds wont go to roads but to some bureaucrat to track you and make money off of you!
    but it's a great idea! right?

  5. Ms. Godrey and anyone else supporting this are sheep. Dangerous sheep. Everyday I come closer to really trying to live off the grid. This program is total BS.

  6. There seems to be millions in grants that could be use on roads and bridges. Trust me, she says, were here to help you (out of your money).

  7. MORE taxes.
    This is what they do.
    And they will not stop until a rope chokes off their breathing.

    Does ANYONE believe your taxes will go DOWN, since so much tax money is used for road repair?
    Hell no.
    They will just continue your same tax rate and ADD the usage fee.
    Who are the people she is "convincing"? Politicians?
    More taxes ALWAYS sound like a brilliant idea. To politicians. Who will find a way to exempt themselves from it.
    And as a side benefit, they will know exactly where you are and where you've been.
    It's is truly amazing at the way these slimeballs can always come up with a new way to tax "we, the people".
    Stuff you and I would never even dream of.....
    And they are SO PROUD!!!
    Tell me again who they are supposed to be "representing"?
    Start the hanging.
    Stop your damn cheering, too.

  8. This is a new tax...They just keep taking more and more from the tax payer.


  9. Markell's version of a Rain Tax!

    See how popular that was!!

  10. BS.starts low then goes through the ROOF Whoever sujested this fire em.

  11. I could never EVER understand the lack of managing a budget that WE allow this politico's to get away with. WE as in the voters. WE vote these numbskulls in every voting season. No accountability, but WE get taxed and still vote in the same type of poo. IN the end, all WE do is complain.

    Its voting season folks - VOTE!

  12. This is partly because of all the tree hugging electric car drivers out there. They don't pay road tax on fuel. They are they ones this should be used for.

  13. What about the poor person who has to drive miles to get to work on a daily bases? People in the city can take a bus or alternative way to get to work.

  14. Go back to carburetors and points and condenser engines. The computers haven't benefitted us with mileage, only location and "abuse" reporting to the NSA.

    Sure, bite on this next hook, fools!

  15. I still have 2 non computerized vehicles and will start using them if they ever pass this nonsense.

  16. For the kind of mileage I get, that's roughly a %90 to %140 increase in taxes paid, provided the state eliminate the motor fuel tax paid at the pump.

    Thank you, no.

    Sand Box John

  17. Iretons undercover rain tax.

  18. If they need more money, which is questionable because of all the waste, they need to just go ahead and raise the gas tax. The one problem I don't see anyone talking about with this plan is tourists. They drive through the state, using the roads and bridges, and with this plan will pay NO taxes. I for one am guilty. About once a month I travel from Salisbury to Denton going up 13 and across 404. This is almost all Delaware travel and yet I would pay NOTHING in tax for it. At least now I sometimes stop for gas in Delaware.

  19. Only kook liberals who aren't making enough taxpayer salaries dream up of charging working people something like this.

  20. That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. And to give a $1.49 Million dollar federal grant to "study" it. WTH??


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